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SOLVED: Sound does not work after 8.10 upgrade

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    SOLVED: Sound does not work after 8.10 upgrade

    I have an Audigy 2 Platinum which worked fine under Hardy. I just updated to Intrepid and now the sound doesn't work at all, in any program. I tried turning every single bar in the mixer up to 100%, but that didn't work. When I right click on the speaker in the sys-tray, the mute checkmark is checked and cannot be unchecked, though the speaker says it's playing at 100% no matter how many times I click on the mute button.

    Any ideas?

    Re: Sound does not work after 8.10 upgrade

    I always go back to this to chase sound system problems:


      Re: Sound does not work after 8.10 upgrade

      Thanks very much for the resource. I will go through all the steps when I get home, but I was wondering if anything in there would be able to fix the fact that the mute button seems stuck on... if that's even the real problem.

      Has anyone else run into the same situation?


        Re: Sound does not work after 8.10 upgrade

        So I went through the whole guide. I reinstalled all the drivers from a fresh kernel, and I still am having the same problem. I can't unmute from the GUI and I don't think unmuting from alsamixer in the shell is working either... pressing m doesn't do anything. The system seems to be recognizing my card though, so I don't get what's going on here.


          Re: Sound does not work after 8.10 upgrade

          Woooo! I fixed it. I changed the master channel from PCM front to just plain Front, and then turned off "Audigy Analog/Digital Output Jack," whatever that means. Maybe that just switches between analog and digital. But it works perfectly now ("Tone" has to be turned off or it sounds like crap).


            Re: SOLVED: Sound does not work after 8.10 upgrade

            Well done! And thanks! I had the same problem and you found the solution!


              Re: SOLVED: Sound does not work after 8.10 upgrade

              I have the no sound problem. I tried the steps suggested and came up with the following:

              I have C-Media Electronics device with the C-Media CMI8738-mc6 driver.
              The kernel driver in use is C-Media PCI

              When I tried the sudo modprobe snd-cmipci8738 command I get a "fatal module snd_cmipci8738 not found" message. This despite the fact I was just told cmipci8738 was what I had.

              Also, why did Kubuntu not recognize that I have a separate Turtle Beach audio card?


                Re: SOLVED: Sound does not work after 8.10 upgrade

                Originally posted by AceMineral

                Also, why did Kubuntu not recognize that I have a separate Turtle Beach audio card?
                Because your sound chip manufacturers only wrote drivers for Windows.

                If you want to use the Turtle Beach card (I've never heard of it .... no guarantees!), you'll have to go into BIOS and turn off the onboard sound chip first.

                Then follow the troubleshooting link above and see whether an ALSA driver exists for your Turtle Beach chip.


                  Re: SOLVED: Sound does not work after 8.10 upgrade

                  Thanks, dibl. I checked the BIOS and found the onboard audio was disabled. I enabled it, and sound emerges.

