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Terminal error E558 and partial display in Konsole

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    Terminal error E558 and partial display in Konsole

    Started experiencing this new problem of not displaying text on the entire bash window. Before launching file I get E558 Terminal error.

    Using Intrepid Beta.

    Re: Terminal error E558 and partial display in Konsole

    I've seen some odd Konsole windows too -- on mine, sometimes the background comes up white, with only the line that the prompt is on having the black background that it is set to. Then when I issue a command, the output comes out correctly on a black background. I thought maybe it was an Nvidia graphics driver or Compiz/Emerald problem.

    If you get out of the X server to a tty console, is that all normal? If so, (as it is on mine) I think we're looking at some residual KDM 4 display driver bug. "Developmental issues", in other words.

