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[SOLVED] No flash audio in KDE but works on GNOME???

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    [SOLVED] No flash audio in KDE but works on GNOME???

    Ok, this is weird. I installed Kubuntu 9.04 about 2 months ago. During the installation of software, for some reason (wish I knew what I did, but I dont... go easy guys, I´m really new to this LINUX thing) GNOME appeared as an option in the login screen. Gave it a shot, just out of sheer curiosity, and left it as it was.

    About 1 week ago, decided to give the beta a shot, and I´m really pleased on how plenty of things have been fixed, including my frustrations with 3G and Jaunty.

    Now, however, I´ve been having problems with flash audio not playing (youtube videos) and playing media in VLC, alson without audio (either videos or mp3 files). Amarok, dragon player works just fine. Downloading the video from youtube, and playing it in dragon player worked fine. But playing it on the web browser (either in firefox or konqueror) resulted in no audio at all.

    Reading in this and other forums, it seemed that I wasnt alone in the problem, so I figured it had (and I still belive it does) something to do with it being a beta version. However, today, I read about a tip involving the analog output setting, but it was in a ubuntu (gnome) forum. Knowing that I had the gnome desktop already installed, decided to give it a try. Did it, and voila! audio from youtube videos!! Thinking that it was a solved problem, I closed the gnome session, and started my beloved KDE session... tried the SAME video... and nothing... no audio again...

    Also, I noticed that I no longer have the "welcome" sound (chimes, whatever) whenever I start my session. (not related to the changes made in the gnome session, the audio stopped working yesterday, when I was fiddling with the output preferences in the multimedia settings in system settings).

    Any ideas? tips? I mean... it´s obviously not a firefox, or konqueror problem, or flash plugin, since the same firefox on the same machine, was able to play the same video with audio, right?

    Running karmic beta on a MSI Wind U120.

    Thanks in advance.



    Re: No flash audio in KDE but works on GNOME

    Add the medibuntu repo (follow the instructions at, then use the package manager to install Flash player and Kubuntu-restricted-extras.

    If you're running a 64 bit OS and if you're using Firefox, visit Adobe, download 64 bit flash, extract the file then copy the extracted file (it's a .so) to /usr/lib/firefox/plugins/. Restart Firefox and you should find flash works better.


      Re: No flash audio in KDE but works on GNOME

      I'd wager this is a volume problem. Pulse imposes itself over ALSA and mutes the volumes of the "real device". Is pulse running in KDE, too? Do you want it to?

      If not, pop up alsamixer in a terminal and make sure channels aren't muted. They sliders should say 00 and not MM. Hit M to toggle.
      $ alsamixer
      $ alsamixer -Dpulse
      $ alsamixer -Dhw
      Try all of those and check for muted stuff (Master, Headphone, PCM, Front, Wave; everything that sounds like output should be unmuted). Then the following to test it.
      $ speaker-test -twav -c2
      Ctrl+C to stop it, else it'll test for eternity.
      KDE, I heart thee.


        Re: No flash audio in KDE but works on GNOME

        Thanks, guys! I'm not sure what did the trick, but did both suggestions, and now it's back to normal. I'm leaning more toward the alsamixer, 'cause the front output was muted. Strange, because it didn't appeared so in the Kmixer.

        Now, the only thing left is that the sound from the headphone jack is totally distorted, and with almost no volume at all.... Any ideas?

        Thanks, again for the input, and the tips!!!



        EDIT: Ok, the las batch of updates solved this. Everything sound related is working great. Cheers!

