Quite a few Kopete users have been getting Yahoo Admin warnings like this:
Yahoo! Admin: You are using an older version of Yahoo! Messenger that is no longer supported. Please upgrade by downloading the newest version by going to: http://messenger.yahoo.com/download.php
I've built a version of Kopete from KDE 4.3.1 that includes a fix for this. To find out more and for a (very large) download, see http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=1264572
Since this is a KDE4 based solution, I understand it's preferred not to discuss it on this forum, and it would be easier for me if all the discussion is in one place.
Yahoo! Admin: You are using an older version of Yahoo! Messenger that is no longer supported. Please upgrade by downloading the newest version by going to: http://messenger.yahoo.com/download.php
I've built a version of Kopete from KDE 4.3.1 that includes a fix for this. To find out more and for a (very large) download, see http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=1264572
Since this is a KDE4 based solution, I understand it's preferred not to discuss it on this forum, and it would be easier for me if all the discussion is in one place.