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Adept crashing and can't install updates[SOLVED]

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    Adept crashing and can't install updates[SOLVED]

    Okay, I don't know what happened but below is what I get in the Konsole when I try to update now. Or when I try anything in the Konsole actually or from the CLI.  Can anyone help?  Also I seem to be stuck as root, and when I try to shut down, I only have the option to log out!! -ie: no "Shut Down/Restart" etc!!

    E: Could not get lock /var/lib/dpkg/lock - open (11 Resource temporarily unavailable)
    E: Unable to lock the administration directory (/var/lib/dpkg/), is another process using it?

    Re: Adept crashing and can't install updates

    If you get that message when running as root it means that another process has locked the database files, in other words, you have another package manager running. Is kpackagekit, or adept running?

    As for the shutdown youneed to tell us how you are trying to shutdown. There are so many ways that we can not guess and do you any good. Are you saying you try K->Shutdown or what?


      Re: Adept crashing and can't install updates

      The first part I'm not sure of.

      The second part:
      E: Could not get lock /var/lib/dpkg/lock - open (11 Resource temporarily unavailable)
      E: Unable to lock the administration directory (/var/lib/dpkg/), is another process using it?

      I have experienced myself early on in my using Ubuntu. First make sure you don't have another app running that uses apt this seems to be the most common cause this error. If you don't have Synaptic or Add/Remove open. Try sudo rm /var/lib/dpkg/lock I had Adept mess up and not unlock (is what got me using apt-get or Synaptic ) and this was what fixed me up.

      Hope this helped, Good luck!


        Re: Adept crashing and can't install updates

        Thanks guys, yes, Adept is the culprit here I think.

        devlin I will try your suggestion.  This happened before and it just seems to get worse.  Last time, I ended up re-installing, which I don't want again!!  I'll try that and get back to you.

        mandoYes, I'm shutting down/restarting via K>

        Update- I'm now "locked out" and getting notices about .ICEauthority and alerts telling me "Kde can't start" Yikes!!


          Re: Adept crashing and can't install updates

          Right, I got some advice elsewhere and resolved the situation,(mostly) by deleting the files ".ICEauthority" and ".Xauthority". This got everything back to "normal" ie: kde desktop running. Still seems to be a few problems. Thanks for the suggestions guys. Will come back here if I have anything to add.

