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Can't Reset Screen Size.

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    Can't Reset Screen Size.

    I've been running Kubuntu 8.04 for about a year and all of a sudden I can't resize my screen. It is defaulted at 640 X 480. I cannot make any changes even in Admin mode. In going to "Monitor and Display-System Settings" my screen size only goes to 640 X 480. Under Hardware my graphics card is a Nvidia GeForce FX (Generic) and my driver is nv. I am positive these have been my settings since I installed 8.04. My "Monitor" is "Plug and Play", I thought that that used to be the HP Pavilion Mx70 but, that is not listed under manufacturer settings. NOW just so you all know I have 3 hard drives on this computer: SDA1 is this hard drive with Kub 8.04 SDB1? is my win XP hard drive and SDC1 is another hard drive that I just installed Kubuntu 8.10 on. And of course this problem with Kub 8.04 started after installing 8.10 on the other Hard drive. And I have been using the same Nvidia video card and monitor for that last 8 to 10 months. And yes my settings are fine in Kubuntu 8.10. And prior to Kubuntu 8.10 I had Mandriva Spring 2008.1 and before that I had Kubuntu 7.04, and didn't have this kind of problem. Any ideas.

    This is my first post here but I have normally posted on the Ubuntu forums. But now that I found this Forum I might be able to always post here.

    Later. Pepse.

    Re: Can't Reset Screen Size.

    Are you sharing the same /home directory with one of the other OSs? It sounds like your settings were overwritten by something. I don't recommend doing that, for this very reason.

    Take a look at the /etc/X11/xorg.conf file, and then compare it to the backed-up versions of it, and see if you can detect a recent change. Possibly one of the backups can be renamed to xorg.conf and work correctly.

    If you can't find anything wrong with xorg.conf, then I'd go for a clean KDE desktop by renaming the ~/.kde directory. You'll have to do your custom settings again.


      Re: Can't Reset Screen Size.

      I can't see where they are connected except for GRUB on boot. Unless Kub 8.10 did something when I was putting it on this hard drive (SDA1). Doesn't make sense but then a big problem I developed last night on 8.10 is that I added a bunch of software, which is normal when installing a new Linux OS, and now when booting to Kub 8.10 on SDC1 it turns into Gnome 2.x.x. That issue I am dealing with on the Ubuntu forum.

      Anyway I will look at your suggestions and see if there is a connection. I wanted to mainly e-mail you to let you know I read this and am going to look at it as soon as I try to get Kub 8.10 back on the SDC1. Or if not maybe I'll try some other flavor in hopes that I can get Kub 8.04 running normal

      Later. Pepse.


        Re: Can't Reset Screen Size.

        Went to a command line and did /etc/X11/xorg.conf and the answer is:

        bash: /etc/X11/xorg.conf: Permission denied .




          Re: Can't Reset Screen Size.

          You should use kate or any other text editor to view it. At least that's what I do.

          kate /etc/X11/xorg.conf
          It will open the file & you'd be able to see the configurations. Paste them so dibl might help, am not so good at it.

          There is another way to fix the xserver which I like when things get messed up.

          sudo dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg
          Just follow the the steps & hope it fixes your problem.

          Another thing is, maybe you need to activate the use of "Proprietary Drivers"

          Menu ---> System ---> Hardware Drivers Manager.

          Click on the "use" box infront if your Nvidia graphics card.

          Hope it helps.


            Re: Can't Reset Screen Size.

            I will try your first and second ideas, but your third idea of "Proprietary drivers", tried that at it wouldn't work. Matter of fact I'll try your second idea first.

            I use a standard Konsole for my command line.

            Later. Pepse.


              Re: Can't Reset Screen Size.

              Actually I misunderstood where I was supposed to go. So, now that I figured it out I went to Menu-System-Hardware Drivers Manager and the box for "Nvidia accelerated graphics driver (latest cards) is UN-checked and I can't check it. WHY? Because when I check the box to "enable driver" another screen comes up that says:

              NVIDIA accelerated graphics driver (latest cards)
              3D-accelerated proprietary graphics driver for NVIDIA cards.

              This driver is required to fully utilise the 3D potential of NVIDIA graphics cards, as well as provide 2D acceleration of newer cards.

              If you wish to enable desktop effects, this driver is required.

              If this driver is not enabled, you will not be able to enable desktop effects and will not be able to run software that requires 3D acceleration, such as some games.

              And I have no options to check it.

              Later. Pepse.


                Re: Can't Reset Screen Size.

                Well, I am not positive as to why but, the hard drive with Kubuntu 8.04 is okay again . The only problem is that I still can't check the box in Menu-System-Hardware Drivers. Minor, I hope . What "might" have led to it correcting itself is that in the Kubuntu 8.10 hard drive I had to eliminate some Gnome software because it turned my KDE 4.2.x into Gnome 2.x.x. But only the desktop, everything else was KDE. Anyway, after removing the Gnome software my other hard drive went back to normal. Except that I can't check the box for proprietary driver. So, it is mostly solved.

                Later. Pepse.

