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No CD ripper for Hardy KDE 4.1? [CLOSED]

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    No CD ripper for Hardy KDE 4.1? [CLOSED]

    I am running Hardy (originally installed as Ubuntu, but with KDE added) and can't find any CD ripper installed. Looking for one, I fall pn soundkonverter. But it talks about an Amarok script, soundkonverter-amarok, and when I click to install that, it says it wants to uninstall amarok-kde4 and reinstall the old Amarok.

    So where is the ripper for KDE 4.1? I really liked kaudiocreator, but it isn't mentioned in the package manager.

    Thanks in advance.
    'I must have a prodigious quantity of mind; it takes me as much as a week sometimes to make it up.' Mark Twain

    Re: No CD ripper for Hardy KDE 4.1?

    I have no need for the tools you mentioned but can tell you KDE4.2 is (a lot) more mature.


      Re: No CD ripper for Hardy KDE 4.1?

      You don't rip?

      Ok, I'll wait for KDE 4.2. I can get by for 2-3 months. (Hope I'm not being overly optimistic.)

      Is the alpha 4 for Jaunty stable enough I could install it? Isuppose that's a question for a different part of this forum.
      'I must have a prodigious quantity of mind; it takes me as much as a week sometimes to make it up.' Mark Twain


        Re: No CD ripper for Hardy KDE 4.1?

        Have you tried ripping with K3b?

        As for Jaunty, it is very stable IMHO, so stable in fact that I use it on both my desktop and laptop. It is, however, in development. There were some issues before, and new ones might appear.


          Re: No CD ripper for Hardy KDE 4.1? [CLOSED]

          Neither K3B nor Sound Juicer (Gnome) allow as much parametrization as Kaudiocreator. For the moment, I use Sound Juicer if I really need to rip.

          Thanks for your help. I'll close this now.
          'I must have a prodigious quantity of mind; it takes me as much as a week sometimes to make it up.' Mark Twain

