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Update made image bigger than screen

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    Update made image bigger than screen

    Ab update offer that popped up a couple of weeks ago made the made about three inches wider than the screen and correspondingly higher. The new driver doesn't allow greater resolution than 800x600, whereas I was using 1024x? before. with more allowed. This is a Sony 19" Multiscan 420GS and I never had trouble finding the driver for it manually, but then it's 10 years old. How can I find the old driver and put it back? I have tried reinstalling Hardy., Feisty, and am now using Intrepid. but the changed driver overrides any choice another version tries to make.

    Re: Update made image bigger than screen

    Quick and dirty way to force the resolution of CRTs connected via analogue:
    It lacks elegance and is not the _correct_ way to do it...but it works. Just be sure to use your own values not mine.

    The "correct" way would be to install the right driver for your graphics card. Usually the proprietary driver works best.

