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Playing Mp3

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    Playing Mp3


    I have searched all over but i cannot find a solution to my problem. I am trying to play Mp3 with Amarok and it will not play them. I have installed all the packages that other posters have talked about but to no avail. Can someone please help? I would really appreciate it!

    Thank You!


    Re: Playing Mp3

    What does it say when you run it on the command line?

    $ amarok /path/song.mp3

    Linux user #199542<br />WARNING:Got Unsolicited BITE_REPLY


      Re: Playing Mp3

      It says "command not found"


        Re: Playing Mp3

        So I assume you don't get a valid result from running

        $ whereis amarok

        I get this:

        $ whereis amarok
        amarok: /usr/bin/amarok /usr/lib/amarok /usr/share/man/man1/amarok.1.gz

        If you don't get something very similar to that, then it looks like either amarok is not installed, or it's not in your path. That seems odd...

        Could try

        $ man amarok

        and see if the man page exists.

        Linux user #199542<br />WARNING:Got Unsolicited BITE_REPLY


          Re: Playing Mp3

          I get command not found for both.


            Re: Playing Mp3

            Um, you're not typing the "$" are you? Even if amarok doesn't exist on your system, typing "man whatever" should come back with "No manual entry for whatever" not "command not found."
            Linux user #199542<br />WARNING:Got Unsolicited BITE_REPLY


              Re: Playing Mp3

              Yeah I was. I get this now
              amarok: /usr/bin/amarok /usr/lib/amarok /usr/share/man/man1/amarok.1.gz


                Re: Playing Mp3

                Okay, I see. The $ is just a convention to indicate the command doesn't require root to run. This indicates root privilege:

                # mount -t nfs blah blah blah

                Anyway, so amorok is installed, and that whereis command gave you its path.

                Try typing
                amarok /path/song.mp3
                again, where /path is the path to where ever you have your mp3s saved, and where song.mp3 is an actual song. May have to use quotes if there are spaces in the title:

                amarok "/music/let it be.mp3"
                for instance.

                Then what does it say?

                Linux user #199542<br />WARNING:Got Unsolicited BITE_REPLY


                  Re: Playing Mp3

                  I get nothing. It just goes back to the



                    Re: Playing Mp3

                    Huh. It should have spewed out a whole bunch of stuff as it loads.

                    Is there a wolf-head looking icon in the tool bar on your desktop? It may already be running.

                    ps -ef|grep amarok

                    will show all processes with "amarok" in the name.

                    Linux user #199542<br />WARNING:Got Unsolicited BITE_REPLY


                      Re: Playing Mp3

                      You did install kubuntu-restricted-packages?
                      Kubuntu 9.04<br /><br /><br />


                        Re: Playing Mp3

                        I have the tray icon for amarok.

                        I get this:

                        bobby@ubuntu:~$ ps -ef|grep amarok
                        bobby 6218 6009 6 07:57 ? 00:00:59 amarokapp -session 10e9d7756e000122367699300000061350042_1231911267_4 14770
                        bobby 6313 6218 0 07:57 ? 00:00:00 ruby /usr/share/apps/amarok/scripts/score_default/score_default.rb
                        bobby 6985 6968 0 08:13 pts/1 00:00:00 grep amarok

                        To KC Geek: I have kubuntu-restricted-extras


                          Re: Playing Mp3

                          What version of Amarok are you running and are you sure its a valid mp3 file. I ask because I had the same issue and found out it actually was a virus. Good thing I was running Kubuntu huh?
                          Kubuntu 9.04<br /><br /><br />

