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RE: Missing exit buttons?

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    RE: Missing exit buttons?

    I recently reinstalled Kubuntu 8.04 and let it install all the latest updates. Is it my imagination, or has the exit button at the top right of all desktop windows disappeared with these updates.This browser window has only a small dotted circle, that revolves when busy, where the "X" should be. Now the only way to exit a program is to click on file>exit. I've even found a few program windows that have no exit function to click on. What in the world is going on? Could this be a part of special effects?
    AMD Athlon 64 4800x2 ; Biostar Tforce 550 ; 2gb ; dual-boot Kubuntu 8.04 & Kubuntu 9.04; Dual-boot XP & Vista.

    Re: RE: Missing exit buttons?

    I recently re-installed Hardy on my Athlon 64 box. I checked five minutes ago and I've got all upgrades installed. I still have an x button in the top right corner of all my windows and (more important) it still works. I'm forced to conclude that there is something else going on with your machine, but I have no clue what it could be. Have you checked your xorg.conf file since the re-install? Also review your System Settings carefully. Even better, would be Kcontrol (alt-F2->kcontrol). My system once started behaving very badly, because, somehow, "slow keys" had been turned on. I doubt that slow keys in particular is your problem, but there are a lot of settings in there and they sometimes have unexpected effects.


      Re: RE: Missing exit buttons?

      That could be a description of "missing window decorations".

      Open a Konsole window and enter
      kwin --replace
      , don't close the Konsole window right away, and let's see what happens. If the window borders suddenly reappear, at least we'll know the nature of the problem.

