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Can't get Gimp back

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    Can't get Gimp back

    Hi all. New here to this forum and pretty new to Kubuntu also.

    I've had Kubuntu on my laptop for about 2 or 3 months now and have generally liked it a lot.

    I have a problem, though. I was trying to use Gimp to edit some photos and I got the app so screwed up that I just wanted to go back to the default settings for it. I got impatient and un-installed it, thinking that I could just re-install and it would be back to the starting settings. For some reason, though, that did not work and now I can't get Gimp back. It will not re-install even though it is listed in Adept mgr.

    Re: Can't get Gimp back

    Is that laptop connected to a network with a wired ethernet connection, or wireless?

    If you're confident that the connection is OK, I'd open the Konsole and try the following:

    sudo dpkg --configure -a
    sudo apt-get update
    sudo apt-get install gimp
    Note any errors.


      Re: Can't get Gimp back

      in a terminal do:

      sudo apt-get remove gimp --purge
      then do

      sudo apt-get install gimp

      alas all ur settings are stored in the gimp folder that is hidden in your home folder, just show hidden files...

      --alas alas --

      If the above two commands give out any errors please post them here...
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        Re: Can't get Gimp back

        Originally posted by nowshining

        alas all ur settings are stored in the gimp folder that is hidden in your home folder, just show hidden files...
        Oops -- I'd forgotten that.

        In the Konsole (and before running gimp again), you might want to do:

        mv .gimp .gimp_bak
        So it comes up in default configuration.


          Re: Can't get Gimp back

          I have something similar:

          when i try to remove gimp:
          sudo apt-get remove gimp --purge

          i get:
          Reading package lists... Done
          Building dependency tree
          Reading state information... Done
          E: The package gimp needs to be reinstalled, but I can't find an archive for it.

          what should i do ?
          I&#39;ll tell you all my secrets, but I&#39;ll lie about my past<br /><br />


            Re: Can't get Gimp back

            Hmmmm. How about

            sudo apt-get remove --purge gimp

            "archive" is not the word I would have expected ...

            You can try

            sudo dpkg --reconfigure -a
            to make sure your package manager is OK.

            Then, it might be an issue with your sources. Do you have "backports" enabled. Maybe you need to disable it for this exercise. :P


              Re: Can't get Gimp back

              Originally i installed gimp 2.6 using .deb packages i downloaded from getded.

              if i run
              Originally posted by dibl
              sudo apt-get remove --purge gimp
              i get:
              Reading package lists... Done
              Building dependency tree
              Reading state information... Done
              E: The package gimp needs to be reinstalled, but I can't find an archive for it.

              and when i run
              Originally posted by dibl
              sudo dpkg --reconfigure -a
              i get:
              dpkg: unknown option --reconfigure

              When running Synaptic i get an error message:
              E: The package gimp needs to be reinstalled, but I can't find an archive for it.
              E: Internal error opening cache (1). Please report.

              and Synaptic closes.

              And when i run Adept and search for gimp i see it in the list of applications with a RED "BROKEN (INSTALLED)" status
              I&#39;ll tell you all my secrets, but I&#39;ll lie about my past<br /><br />


                Re: Can't get Gimp back

                Proper command for dpkg is:
                sudo dpkg --configure -a
                Using Kubuntu Linux since March 23, 2007
                "It is a capital mistake to theorize before one has data." - Sherlock Holmes


                  Re: Can't get Gimp back

                  Originally posted by Snowhog
                  Proper command for dpkg is:
                  sudo dpkg --configure -a
                  i didn't get any output. is that OK ? it just went back to the command prompt

                  and when i try to run update again, it still say that there is a problem with the package
                  I&#39;ll tell you all my secrets, but I&#39;ll lie about my past<br /><br />


                    Re: Can't get Gimp back

                    Originally posted by Snowhog
                    Proper command for dpkg is:
                    sudo dpkg --configure -a
                    Oooooooops -- Snowhog is so right -- I must have had a senior moment there!

                    A return to the prompt, without further output, indicates the package manager finds no errors (a good thing).

                    It sure sounds like a problem with the source repositories in your /etc/apt/sources.list file. You might want to search this forum on the topic, and review what you have set there. You need to have "main", "universe", and "multiverse" as a minimum. I'm not sure which one holds gimp, but it is one of those standard ones.


                      Re: Can't get Gimp back


                      Who's got dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg on the brain:

