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Amarok: radio streaming stops every 2-3 minutes

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    Amarok: radio streaming stops every 2-3 minutes

    I have "added" a number of radio streams in the "playlist browser" (left column), all ogg-format and they all act the same way. They quit and I get message "playlist finished".
    Why? Is there something I am missing here? I thought a radio stream would just go on until I stopped it.

    (I don't believe there is anything the matter with my bandwidth, as I have no trouble watching television on "livestation".)

    Would be very grateful for any good suggestions.

    Re: Amarok: radio streaming stops every 2-3 minutes

    I read your plea for help and I also was in need. Both have not been responded to. But I did have your problem too and love amarok. I was configuring it for sports stations to get football on Sundays. Some of those stations did as you say and others did not. One cause I found is that there was a loop when the station was physically off the air (and online) and would come on the next day. Others needed double clicking when the loop ran it's gammit and the would continue to live streaming. I would truly recommend you going into synaptics and fing a program in the repository called Streamtuner. You will love it. Enable it and it will add its dependencies automatically. It comes with thousands of streamable stations in about 5 or 6 urls including shoutcast and others and on top is a yellow page for each to search for whatever you need or want. (in my case sports) Some of these stations will do the same thing as I mentioned and others will work perfectly. Simply leave them in your playlist. I personally made a separate list on my desk here and reestablish a playlist at will leaving a clean amarok for listening to songs I have torrented to my home folder in Dolphin. I hope I sounded average enough so as to try this, I'm no geek by a longshot. Oh and the first time may ask you in streamtuner to "open with". Select Amarok and everytime after that it will work. Best of luck


      Re: Amarok: radio streaming stops every 2-3 minutes

      Thanks very much! I will try Streamtuner!


        Re: Amarok: radio streaming stops every 2-3 minutes

        StreamTuner is a application or a add on in Amarok?? Btw, you said that it came with streamable station url. Suppose the station that I want, is not at there, can I add it? But thanks for your suggestion. I think I will try it too

        Btw, if I streaming with Amarok, sometimes if it stop streaming, it will produce a repeated sound. Ever encountered it? This is bug isn't it?
        P4 3.06 HT,RAM 512 MB, 80GB HD, Geforce 6200 LE, Kubuntu 8.04

