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slight kde (3.5.10) weirdness ?

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    slight kde (3.5.10) weirdness ?

    everything is installed from the usual sources, the only thing I can't find how to do is make it so the taskbar/kicker shows the applications that I have open - normally shown as boxes with the app titles, as opposed to a windows list icon, which might do the same job, but I don't like it like that.

    I can't find the adjustment to add it (nothing shown/listed in "configure panel" menu other than adding the pager or "add window list" (which I've got for the moment but want to change).

    I've looked for a tour of KDE to see exactly what that part is called but can't find such a thing - other than generalised tour's that show screenies (all of which show the boxes with their app names) but don't explain the individual parts of the desktop..

    Any idea's how I display this please ??



    p.s. Oh and this is only for my user account - my partners desktop shows it by default, mine doesn't.
    What the large print giveth, the small print taketh away! Tom Waits.

    Re: slight kde (3.5.10) weirdness ?


    Maybe someone knows the proper name for that part of the taskbar i.e. the "square boxes" part that shows which apps you have open - not the one that shows how many virtual desktop you have select.

    If I can find out what the name of that section is, then maybe I can find out i.e. google how to change the setting that will allow me to have the apps selection boxes showing ?

    Or maybe there's a file I can look at i.e. where would I find the file that lists the settings I have for each user because I could alway compare them then change the bit that stops my desk top having this facility i.e. my partners desktop seems to have it, but mine won't show it.

    Any help/guidance would be much appreciated.


    What the large print giveth, the small print taketh away! Tom Waits.


      Re: slight kde (3.5.10) weirdness ?

      I think that you mean the taskbar, if that is the case, hover the cursor at one end of it and the handle should appear, right-click on the handle, and it should offer you the options to move, remove, or configure it.

      If - like myself, you use transparency - it is invisible until you hover the mouse carefully over it.

      I hope this helps.


        Re: slight kde (3.5.10) weirdness ?

        Yes, that would appear to be it. Thanks for the pointer aged hippy. Daft really when I think about it. I've always presumed that the "whole bottom" part is "the task bar".

        With it selected, at least the only annoyance now is a stylised arrow to the left of it - that acts in a similar way to the windows list option - except at the moment I can't turn the bloody thing off (the arrow that is). I'm happy with the rest of it - I suppose there's some hidden config facility that will remove it for me......... who knows.


        What the large print giveth, the small print taketh away! Tom Waits.


          Re: slight kde (3.5.10) weirdness ?

          To get to that hidden config, right-click on the panel ->Configure Panel then select "Hiding", (top left) and un-tick the "Show x panel hiding button" box.

