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Solved: Firefox 3.0.3 update (not) broken

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    Solved: Firefox 3.0.3 update (not) broken

    I installed the latest firefox/thunderbird/xulrunner packages. After this I have not been able to run either firefox 3 or 2 as it simply wont start. Thunderbird works just fine.

    Have tried all kinds of combinations of reinstall/removing packages (firefox-3/2 xulrunner) but nothing helps. I also tried manually installing shiretoko/firefox 3.1 with the same result. Have also tried moving my .mozilla directory out of the way but no luck.

    Any help appreciated as I'm now forced to work with Opera

    Re: Firefox 3.0.3 update broken

    I would be inclined to back-up my bookmarks somewhere, re-name the .mozilla / .firefox directories, visit this site: and download Ubuntuzilla and install it with GDebi, then use that to install the latest Firefox -- and only to update Firefox when Ubuntuzilla informs you of an upgrade.

    It is drastic, but it worked for me in the past.

    I hope this helps.

    It is a case of typing : -a install -p firefox in a console.


      Re: Firefox 3.0.3 update broken

      Thanks for your suggestions! I already tried renaming my .mozilla dir (dont have .firefox). Also removed stuff from /etc/firefox*. No luck.

      Have always used adept manager to install stuff when updates are ready from the kubuntu repositories. Is ubuntuzilla preferrable to the official (k)ubuntu packages when I'm on the latest kubuntu (8.04)?


        Re: Firefox 3.0.3 update broken

        You are welcome.

        I had problems when both Firefox 2x and 3.0 were installed, and someone (i forget who) suggested the Ubuntuzilla route.

        I'm using 8.0.4 HH, it shouldn't make any difference.

        Another route is to download Firefox from the Mozilla site, and put a copy of the download in /temp, Ubuntuzilla will install it from there. There are instructions on the Ubuntuzilla site, as my memory is a bit .... .... vague.

        It also works with Thunderbird and Seamonkey.


          Re: Firefox 3.0.3 update broken

          Solved. I had an old runaway firefox process on my box that was getting in the way That's what you get with systems that are so stable that you only reboot every 6 months


            Re: Firefox 3.0.3 update broken

            Originally posted by blundski
            Solved. I had an old runaway firefox process on my box that was getting in the way That's what you get with systems that are so stable that you only reboot every 6 months
            I know it is stable, but i still shut down at night.... a habit due to being accustomed to Windows.

            I am glad you sorted it out - without having to resort to my somewhat drastic remedy. :P


              Re: Solved: Firefox 3.0.3 update (not) broken

              hey my problem was solved with the instruction in the konsole... install firefox smooth and easy.


                Re: Solved: Firefox 3.0.3 update (not) broken

                Piece of cake.

