It's not a major problem, but if i use the current gtk-qt-engine it degrades the rendering of Firefox and Thunderbird, in that everything looks rough. It doesn't apply the GTK styles and fonts to non-GTK applications, in fact, the GTK styles and fonts button doesn't even appear in Kcontrol.
If i use
everything is beautiful again.
Adept subsequently tells me that the package needs up-dating, but it is easy to ignore it.
Others seem to have a similar problem, should i report a bug, or is it already being looked into?
If i use
sudo apt-get install gtk-qt-engine=1:0.8-1ubuntu2
Adept subsequently tells me that the package needs up-dating, but it is easy to ignore it.
Others seem to have a similar problem, should i report a bug, or is it already being looked into?