I don't know if this question is a software or hardware question...
i've experience some problems in KDE ....
I just cant get a stereo sound from my computer...
i've tried all... tried all kinds of combinations on KMix...
i've also tried so verify the file...on a MP3 player its sound perfect...
Another thing that I tried is to make the configurations on my LCD monitor(it have 2 little sound boxes)
Now im using kubuntu, but before it i used OpenSUsE with the very same kde.. and experience the very same problems
please help me out!
i've experience some problems in KDE ....
I just cant get a stereo sound from my computer...
i've tried all... tried all kinds of combinations on KMix...
i've also tried so verify the file...on a MP3 player its sound perfect...
Another thing that I tried is to make the configurations on my LCD monitor(it have 2 little sound boxes)
Now im using kubuntu, but before it i used OpenSUsE with the very same kde.. and experience the very same problems
please help me out!
