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Why is kdesu using 100% CPU??

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    Why is kdesu using 100% CPU??

    Been trying to debug a browser problem recently

    Today, when I run commmand line application 'top', it's showing kdesu using 100% of CPU (100% of 1 core I believe)

    What could kdesu be doing?? It's not online, and there is nothing else open but the one konsole, and two shells. One being 'top' and the other being 'free'

    Re: Why is kdesu using 100% CPU??

    Sometimes programs hang like that. You should kill it ("killall kdesu") and then see if it uses 100% CPU every time you run it or if it was a one-time problem.


      Re: Why is kdesu using 100% CPU??


      Ended up doing a shutdown on this laptop (had to go home) and it didn't resurface on the next bootup, so it appears not to be a consistent problem.

      I may have jumped the gun on this episode as I am looking for anything that would cause a complete system lockup shortly after I open any web browser online.


        Re: Why is kdesu using 100% CPU??

        I am using 8.04-amd64 and have a similar problem. It seems to be after starting synaptic about 10 mins later or longer kdesu usage goes up to 100% on one core. May not be only synaptic as have had two runaway kdesu sometimes (root console editing .config files)

        May not be related but Operpluginwrap also does it, only it might have 5 or 6 copies running shared on both cores. That definitly hangs things


          Re: Why is kdesu using 100% CPU??

          Found this post on OSDIR

          It might be the same problem. It seems to have the same delayed action that I currently have. Although originally for BSD might try it if I can find the source of kdesu.


            Re: Why is kdesu using 100% CPU??

            Thanks for the reply - -

            I finally decided to try redoing the whole install. Seems it's different every time I do it. Now I'm back to trying to get the danged HSFModem to work, except this time it won't install at all.

            Life is never dull when your dinking with 64bit Linux

