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Freezing screen

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    Freezing screen

    Hello everyone,

    I have some trouble with my Kubuntu (8.04 - Hardy Heron) on 32bit Intel box, ATI radeon graphic card.

    For some days now the screen just randomly (timewise) freezes, sometimes leaving mouse cursor responsive (it moves, but that's it). System requires resetting. After reset everything appears normal ... until the next time.

    The .xsession-errors contains suspicious "entries" like

    X Error: BadWindow (invalid Window parameter) 3

    kdecore (KProcess): WARNING: _attachPty() 11

    konsole: WARNING: Unable to use /usr/share/apps/konsole/mc.desktop

    konsole: WARNING: Unable to use /usr/share/apps/konsole/sumc.desktop"

    kdecore (KProcess): WARNING: _attachPty() 32

    QClipboard::setData: Cannot set X11 selection owner for PRIMARY

    QClipboard::setData: Cannot set X11 selection owner for CLIPBOARD

    and so on.

    Apt-get says it's up to date, adept_notifier is running. I don't know where to start looking, really. Any suggestions?


    Re: Freezing screen


    I have the same problem!!!
    the mouse and the pad works but any kind of response of the windows...

    after a moment, it continues to work, but sometimes get long time...

    does anybody have some idea to solve this bug

    I updated to KDE4.1 and the same problem

    The box is a laptop ASUS Z92j



      Re: Freezing screen

      Running Kubuntu 8.04 with KDE 3.5

      System is AMD 64 on Efficient PC (Re-badged Asus Anubis), with Nvidia Corporation MCP51 High Definition Audio card

      I'm having a similar problem - fairly frequent freezes in a number of KDE apps - Kontact, Konqueror; particularly when I open multiple applications. The only way that I have found of unlocking things is to run


      and reboot.

      I'm concerned that I may have a hard disk problem. Any ideas about what I should do next to diagnose the problem?


        Re: Freezing screen

        in a Konsole window, and park the window somewhere on your screen where you can keep an eye on it.

        When the system "freezes", take a look at top and see what is sucking up all the resources. It could be xorg or it could be something like strigi. Once you know what the bad boy is, you can start figuring out what it will take to fix it.


          Re: Freezing screen

          And I would suggest to look your virtual memory too... type

          And see whether the size of Swap is zero or not. If the swap is zero, than it's mean that you need to activate (or create) swap partition.
          P4 3.06 HT,RAM 512 MB, 80GB HD, Geforce 6200 LE, Kubuntu 8.04


            Re: Freezing screen

            Originally posted by garry_3peace
            And I would suggest to look your virtual memory too...

            Ahhhh, yes a VERY good suggestion!


              Re: Freezing screen

              My partitions are

              Root, which is an ext3 filesystem /dev/sda1 - 93.57gb
              Home, which is an ext3 filesystem /dev/sda3 - 369.66gb
              an Extended filesystem /dev/sda2, and contains the swap partition /dev/sda/5 - 2.53gb

              running 'free' in a terminal shows

              Swap: total 2650684 used 0 free 2650684

              Is my swap activated?


                Re: Freezing screen

                I don't remember whether 8.04 comes with Kinfocenter installed, or not.

                Try Alt-F2 "kinfocenter" with no quote marks. If it's not installed, do this in the Konsole:

                sudo apt-get install hwinfo
                and when it's installed:
                sudo apt-get install kinfocenter

                Then do Alt-F2 "kinfocenter" and pop open the memory graphic. It will show you a great picture of what's going on with physical memory and swap.

                But yes, I think your swap is enabled.


                  Re: Freezing screen

                  I've run 'free' in Konsole, which hasn't shown any problems. I've also had 'top' during most of the sessions that I've run over the last week or so.

                  Key things that I've noted

                  1. 'Top' keeps running in Konsole, even if the desktop freezes

                  2. There don't seem to be any consistent problems with particular applications, although crashes happen most in 'Konqueror', but as that is the app I use most, I'd expect this. The crashing or frozen apps seem to be using very little memory - at most 7-8%

                  3. I've tried logging in on Gnome desktop, and it seemed to run slightly better, but I still got one crash using Firefox, one in Opera, and one in Konqueror

                  4. Booting the machine back up after crashes is problematic, with frequent stalls before I get to Grub, or in Grub

                  5. Grub doesn't always bring me a full desktop, and sometimes runs a text-only 'intramfs', which will not close down when I give the 'halt' command

                  6. Sometimes I don't even get to Grub, and after power on I'm left with nothing more than the manufacturers splash screen

                  Increasingly I think that I may have a hard disk problem, and that I might need to replace it.

                  Any views?

