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Silly dependencies

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    Silly dependencies

    Just installed "kubuntu-kde4-desktop" and noticed that I got installed "mysql-server-5.0", "exim4" maybe other bull crap.
    KDE4 doesn't uses mysql server and even if it may need one for something it have to ask me somehow. Not blindly install software that should not be installed at workstation.
    I don't understand how this can happen.
    And I saw zillions of such garbage dependencies during 8.04 installation unfortunately. 6.06 was much cleaner.
    Are 10yo boys building these packages ?

    Re: Silly dependencies

    I manaaged to break the Hardy installation i had (for a change ) and re-installed yesterday. Last night i added the "kde4-desktop" plus lots of other stuff, and i just checked Adept, but neither "mysql-server-5.0" or "exim4" are installed, although they're available.

    Maybe you added something which pulled them in?


      Re: Silly dependencies

      Here is apt's output on a clean hardy install, no extra repositories added other than the kde4 PPA, and no backports or anything else added or enabled via adept's 'Manage Repositories' tool:
      claydoh@claydoh-laptop:~$ sudo apt-get install kubuntu-kde4-desktop
      Reading package lists... Done
      Building dependency tree
      Reading state information... Done
      The following extra packages will be installed:
       ark-kde4 dbus-x11 dolphin-kde4 dragonplayer gwenview-kde4 im-switch juk-kde4
       kamera-kde4 kate-kde4 kde-icons-oxygen kde-window-manager kde4libs-bin
       kdebase-bin-kde4 kdebase-data-kde4 kdebase-plasma-kde4 kdebase-runtime
       kdebase-runtime-bin-kde4 kdebase-runtime-data kdebase-runtime-data-common
       kdebase-workspace-bin kdebase-workspace-data kdebase-workspace-libs4+5
       kdelibs5 kdelibs5-data kdemultimedia-kio-plugins-kde4 kdepimlibs-data
       kdepimlibs5 kdesudo-kde4 kdm-kde4 khelpcenter-kde4 klipper-kde4 kmilo-kde4
       kmix-kde4 knetworkconf-kde4 konqueror-kde4 konqueror-nsplugins-kde4
       konsole-kde4 kopete-kde4 kppp-kde4 krdc-kde4 krfb-kde4 kscd-kde4
       ksnapshot-kde4 ksysguard-kde4 ksysguardd-kde4 kwalletmanager-kde4
       libakonadiprivate1 libarchive1 libcapseo0 libcaptury0 libenchant1c2a
       libkcddb4-kde4 libkdecorations4 libkipi5 libkonq5 libkonq5-templates
       libkwineffects1 libokularcore1-kde4 libotr2 libphonon4 libplasma2
       libpoppler-qt4-3 libpoppler3 libqca2 libqimageblitz4 libqt4-assistant
       libqt4-dbus libqt4-designer libqt4-gui libqt4-network libqt4-opengl
       libqt4-qt3support libqt4-script libqt4-sql libqt4-svg libqt4-test
       libqt4-webkit libqt4-xml libqtcore4 libqtgui4 libraptor1 librasqal0 librdf0
       libsearchclient0 libsoprano4 libspectre1 libstreamanalyzer0 libstreams0
       libstrigihtmlgui0 libstrigiqtdbusclient0 libvncserver0 libxklavier12
       okular-kde4 oxygen-cursor-theme phonon phonon-backend-gstreamer
       shared-mime-info soprano-daemon strigi-daemon systemsettings-kde4
      Suggested packages:
       ncompress p7zip-full zoo kdebase kdebase-workspace-wallpapers lame
       kdeartwork-emoticons-kde4 libotr2-bin libqt4-dev libspectre1-dbg
       libvncserver0-dbg okular-extra-backends-kde4 phonon-backend-mplayer
       phonon-backend-vlc phonon-backend-xine strigi-plugins
      Recommended packages:
       pmount kfreebsd-gnu hurd htdig libqca2-plugin-ossl akonadi-server
       libqt4-sql-mysql libqt4-sql-odbc libqt4-sql-psql libqt4-sql-sqlite
       libqt4-sql-sqlite2 qt4-qtconfig raptor-utils redland-utils
      The following NEW packages will be installed:
       ark-kde4 dbus-x11 dolphin-kde4 dragonplayer gwenview-kde4 im-switch juk-kde4
       kamera-kde4 kate-kde4 kde-icons-oxygen kde-window-manager kde4libs-bin
       kdebase-bin-kde4 kdebase-data-kde4 kdebase-plasma-kde4 kdebase-runtime
       kdebase-runtime-bin-kde4 kdebase-runtime-data kdebase-runtime-data-common
       kdebase-workspace-bin kdebase-workspace-data kdebase-workspace-libs4+5
       kdelibs5 kdelibs5-data kdemultimedia-kio-plugins-kde4 kdepimlibs-data
       kdepimlibs5 kdesudo-kde4 kdm-kde4 khelpcenter-kde4 klipper-kde4 kmilo-kde4
       kmix-kde4 knetworkconf-kde4 konqueror-kde4 konqueror-nsplugins-kde4
       konsole-kde4 kopete-kde4 kppp-kde4 krdc-kde4 krfb-kde4 kscd-kde4
       ksnapshot-kde4 ksysguard-kde4 ksysguardd-kde4 kubuntu-kde4-desktop
       kwalletmanager-kde4 libakonadiprivate1 libarchive1 libcapseo0 libcaptury0
       libenchant1c2a libkcddb4-kde4 libkdecorations4 libkipi5 libkonq5
       libkonq5-templates libkwineffects1 libokularcore1-kde4 libotr2 libphonon4
       libplasma2 libpoppler-qt4-3 libpoppler3 libqca2 libqimageblitz4
       libqt4-assistant libqt4-dbus libqt4-designer libqt4-network libqt4-opengl
       libqt4-qt3support libqt4-script libqt4-sql libqt4-svg libqt4-test
       libqt4-webkit libqt4-xml libqtcore4 libqtgui4 libraptor1 librasqal0 librdf0
       libsoprano4 libspectre1 libstrigiqtdbusclient0 libvncserver0 libxklavier12
       okular-kde4 oxygen-cursor-theme phonon phonon-backend-gstreamer
       shared-mime-info soprano-daemon systemsettings-kde4
      The following packages will be upgraded:
       libqt4-gui libsearchclient0 libstreamanalyzer0 libstreams0 libstrigihtmlgui0
      6 upgraded, 95 newly installed, 0 to remove and 7 not upgraded.
      Need to get 123MB of archives.
      After this operation, 270MB of additional disk space will be used.
      Do you want to continue [Y/n]?
      So I do think you have something else that is calling for those packages to be installed or upgraded. Neither apt-get nor Adept will install anything without first giving you at least the opportunity to check what is being installed. So any blindness occurs at the user's end, not the at software.

      Also, you need to be more specific as to what "junk dependencies" are. As Kubuntu is a single-cd distro, there is simply no room on the disk for anything extra. And obviously the disk size has not grown since 6.06 so despite what may look like more junk is not really using more space disk space between the two versions. Plus there are more features in Hardy that obviously need some extra thigs

      Have you by chance upgraded Dapper to Hardy, or have you done a clean install? I do wonder if there is something there that might 'iconfuse' the package manager as there were so many packages to upgrade/install/remove between 6.06 and 8.04 that something left over from Dapper may be causing this. I don't see any thing from a quick look at launchpad's bug tracker, but I am still digging in to see if I can find any similar issues.


        Re: Silly dependencies

        Originally posted by d9d9
        Just installed "kubuntu-kde4-desktop" and noticed that I got installed "mysql-server-5.0", "exim4" maybe other bull crap.
        KDE4 doesn't uses mysql server and even if it may need one for something it have to ask me somehow. Not blindly install software that should not be installed at workstation.
        I don't understand how this can happen.
        And I saw zillions of such garbage dependencies during 8.04 installation unfortunately. 6.06 was much cleaner.
        Are 10yo boys building these packages ?
        Kdepim-kde4 (4.1.1a) depends on akonadi-kde-kde4 which depends on akonadi-server which depends on mysql-server-5.0 and others (with aprox. 110 MB instalation size, > ). Same in Intrepid.
        Kubuntu 12.04 64bit


          Re: Silly dependencies

          Have you checked into uninstalling the PIM/Kontact component? This Akonadi dependency is the result of being more open to other PIM-like projects, and thus the need to move to an open database as the basis for this iteration of the KDE PIM. At least that what KDE seems to be saying.
          The next brick house on the left
          Intel i7 11th Gen | 16GB | 1TB | KDE Plasma 5.27.11​| Kubuntu 24.04 | 6.8.0-31-generic

