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Time on desktop clock always needs adjusting

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    Time on desktop clock always needs adjusting

    Kubuntu 8.04

    My clock always has been off after a couple of hours. I set the time and after a couple of days the time is about 4-5 hours slow, and I adjust again, but it never keeps the correct time. I got this problem when I changed from Ubuntu 8.04 to Kubuntu 8.04. The time when I used Gnome (Ubuntu) was always correct but since changing to KDE (kubuntu) it has never been on time. When trying to set to have the time automatically set itself I get the message; "Unable to contact time server:". It will not automatically set and so the time on my desktop is always in need of adjustment. Has anyone else had this problem? Is there a known fix for this, I noticed others had issues with their clock also.

    Re: Time on desktop clock always needs adjusting

    This guidance may still be helpful:


      Re: Time on desktop clock always needs adjusting

      It was worth the try but no go, got the following message on trying to sudo the purge/reinstall. Any idea about what happened?

      sudo apt-get -d tzdata

      E: Invalid operation tzdata


        Re: Time on desktop clock always needs adjusting

        When you switched to Kubuntu, from Ubuntu, did you 'readjust' the "Time Zone"?
        You say 'North America" okay.......which part ?
        West Coast?
        East Coast?
        What does the "Time Zone" say it is.........on your computer?
        This could explain 'why'....your Time keeps going 'erratic'...on you.


          Re: Time on desktop clock always needs adjusting

          The time zone that I set to initially was Los Angeles, Pacific time zone. Since then I have also added, Dawson, Whitehorse, Vancouver, all Pacific times and it made no difference. As I write this, it is now Tuesday, 00/09/2008; 1:28 am Pacific time, but my clock on my desktop reads 08/09/2008; 8:36 pm. This is the time it has gone off the correct time since I set it last night. In setting it manually, it will not keep time even when starting from the correct time, it loses time by the hour until it lags far behind. In a 24 hour day the time will fall behind about 5 hours, so even if set correctly and manually it fails to keep time. It has to be a kubuntu problem because it kept great time with ubuntu. still hoping for some resolution to this perplexing problem, thanks for the post. Let's keep the ideas coming and get this fixed so that others that may have the same problem can have an answer when it comes to their system.


            Re: Time on desktop clock always needs adjusting

            I have found an issue with the date and time settings. In KDE 3 I cannot select London time - the closest I can get is Guernsey. Also, until a recent update I was stuck on Lome (Africa I believe) in KDE4 but can now select London.

            I did find that on random occasions I looked at the clock and it would be several hours behind. Like you I thought it was KDE but ultimately found it to be Windows XP - I dual boot. A few months ago I had to wipe the lot because Windows had gone pear-shaped (it didn't like the Blackberry software I had tried to install) and reinstall Windows then Kubuntu, but I never reset the time in Windows from its default. Every time I booted Windows (maybe once every few days) it would reset the clock and of course I would be running kubuntu when I spotted it.

            Any chance that this might be the problem?



              Re: Time on desktop clock always needs adjusting

              Originally posted by The Liquidator
              I have found an issue with the date and time settings. In KDE 3 I cannot select London time - the closest I can get is Guernsey. Also, until a recent update I was stuck on Lome (Africa I believe) in KDE4 but can now select London.

              I did find that on random occasions I looked at the clock and it would be several hours behind. Like you I thought it was KDE but ultimately found it to be Windows XP - I dual boot. A few months ago I had to wipe the lot because Windows had gone pear-shaped (it didn't like the Blackberry software I had tried to install) and reinstall Windows then Kubuntu, but I never reset the time in Windows from its default. Every time I booted Windows (maybe once every few days) it would reset the clock and of course I would be running kubuntu when I spotted it.

              I've encountered both of these issues on my dual booting laptop. The Guernsey one baffled many experienced Linux users I asked when it first cropped up a couple of years ago. I also read somewhere about a discrepance between BIOS time settings and OS time on certain systems. I can't find the URL for the info now though, sorry.


                Re: Time on desktop clock always needs adjusting

                So i'm not alone in living in Guernsey.
                ...... i wish i could afford to....

                I have noticed, however, that with 4.1.x, if i use the System Settings, it shows Europe/London as the setting, but here on 3.5.10 - using either System Settings or Kcontrol, i'm stuck in Guernsey, for some reason, and cannot change it.

                It doesn't seem to make any difference though, so i leave well enough alone.


                  Re: Time on desktop clock always needs adjusting

                  Nope, nothing like that with me, I am a 100% Linux user, haven't had Windows on here for years now, so I am still searching for the cause of my problems, thanks for the ideas, hope it helps someone who has similar problems as yours. Keep the ideas flowing though, it all helps.


                    Re: Time on desktop clock always needs adjusting

                    Your reference to it happening in kubuntu and not ubuntu is interesting. When you used ubuntu did you use gnome or kde?



                      Re: Time on desktop clock always needs adjusting

                      Originally posted by The Liquidator
                      Your reference to it happening in kubuntu and not ubuntu is interesting. When you used ubuntu did you use gnome or kde?


                      Sorry, been on a trip and haven't checked this post in some time. I was running Ubuntu/Gnome exclusively and decided to move to Kubuntu to see if I liked it, I like the look but have had some annoying issues that wasn't there on Ubuntu, most have been worked around except for the clock issue. I didn't know you could run Ubuntu on anything other than Gnome??


                        Re: Time on desktop clock always needs adjusting

                        "I didn't know you could run Ubuntu on anything other than Gnome??" - Gnome and KDE, and - as i found out today -- Xfce as well.
                        Someone will probably drop in shortly and tell us about some more.

                        And my favourite KDE programs run as well in Xfce as they do in KDE.

                        Life is a constant learning process.


                          Re: Time on desktop clock always needs adjusting

                          Thank you for the correction, when I said Kubuntu, I meant I changed the whole thing, not just using portions or certain programs deemed kde. I boot up in kde. I wanted the whole Kubuntu experience to compare to Ubuntu to see which I preferred.


                            Re: Time on desktop clock always needs adjusting

                            Well, guess there isn't an answer to this problem. I will wait for the upgrade to kubuntu 8.10 and if the problem still exists I will probably go back to Ubuntu. It's a shame, because I really like to look of Kubuntu, but it has so many little glitches that it is now annoying me, and nobody here on the forums seem to know how to resolve it. At least on Gnome and Ubuntu I was able to get enough input on the forums to resolve any problem that I had come up, it was more stable, even if it wasn't as attractive a desktop as Kubuntu. I hope this problem is fixed by the time the next upgrade is out.


                              Re: Time on desktop clock always needs adjusting

                              I'm running the Kubuntu 8.04 installed from the desktop CD, and since it has updated itself, it is now 8.04.1 (2.6.24-21-Generic), in the KDE desktop 3.5.10, and i am still located in Guernsey, despite selecting London during the install.

                              If i log out, then log back in to the 4.1x desktop, my location is - as selected at install - in London.

                              The problem seems to be only with the 3.5.10 desktop, if you like the newer one, it will not affect you.

                              Two things occur to me:
                              1. Rather than leave Kubuntu for Gnome because of what seems to be a glitch on the part of the 3.5.10 desktop, why not install KDE 4, and use that desktop?

                              2. Download the Gnome 8.0.4 disk and install that, then use Adept to install the kdesktop with whatever addons you wish?
                              I'm not sure whether this would work or not, but presumably if Gnome is the 'dominant' install, then whether you use the KDE 3.5.10 or 4.1x desktop environment shouldn't make any difference.

                              .... but i don't know....

