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System Tray Help

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    System Tray Help

    I have Kubuntu Installed with the new KDE4, I can not access my system tray, eg It doesn't show that my network is plugged in or the Volume Mixer control and also I have AMSN installed and when I close it and send it to the system tray I can not see that either.

    Do I need to change the colour of my task bar? or is there an option I have missed, and before I'm asked I do have the widget added for System tray and have removed/added again still nothing

    It all used to work nicely on the previous version of KDE.

    Any help would be greatly appreciated


    Re: System Tray Help

    I've certainly had some odd behavior with the system tray in 4.1.

    First make sure that you actually have a system tray widget installed. (Cashew > Add Widgets, then drag the System Tray Widget to either a Plasma panel or the "Desktop". You can also add a duplicate tray to the other location.) Putting it on the Desktop is sure fire way to test the tray since you'll know it's there, whereas if your problem is a panel config problem, you probably won't get farther than you've already gotten. I too have had some experiences where the tray is apparently invisible on a panel (although once an app is placed in the tray it is no longer invisible).

    Once you have a tray, launch a working kde4 app such as KGet or KMix. I think these are native 4.1 apps that should appear in the tray.

    Not sure I can help you much beyond this. However, I will note that in my experience I have also been able to get a number of supposedly kde3-only apps (like smb4k and the guidance-power-manager) to land in my kde4 system tray (they do seem to need a working, although not running, kde 3 installation).

    Good luck.


      Re: System Tray Help

      Ok thanks for the help,

      Hmm, I have re-moved and re-added the widget to both the desktop and task bar,

      Still no good even when trying Kmix


        Re: System Tray Help

        I really don't know a solution, but sometimes with plasma things begin to work after logging out or rebooting. Create the system tray, launch a program that should show up down there, then logout (or reboot), and things may straighten themselves out afterwards.


          Re: System Tray Help

          Hey well,

          I wish it was that easy to get it all working.

          But still thanks for trying to help


            Re: System Tray Help

            I have ended up downloading a new version and have installed it.

            It's all working properly now which is great

            It seems that I spoke to soon, It all works until I install the ATI restricted drivers,
            that's when the system tray make the objects disappear or invisible

