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Flash not working with compiz turned on

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    Flash not working with compiz turned on

    I don't know what the deal is but flash has been acting up lately. When i hit the thingy to turn fullscreen on sites like youtube, it'll go fullscreen like it should and then just fall back to the regular view, and often controls don't interact the way they should. I've found this to be the case only when having compiz turned on. Is there a fix coming for this problem?

    Re: Flash not working with compiz turned on

    We need the following versions:

    Kubuntu ?
    Compiz ?
    Emerald ?

    Check out my website with Kubuntu how to's:


      Re: Flash not working with compiz turned on

      Kubuntu 3.5.9, latest Compiz-fusion that's in the Kubuntu repositories set on custom with CCSM, no emerald I think, using whatever default window manager Kubuntu uses when I turn on custom effects from within Desktop Effects.


        Re: Flash not working with compiz turned on

        Are you using a 64bit version of Kubuntu?

        Check out my website with Kubuntu how to's:


          Re: Flash not working with compiz turned on

          You may be pushing the performance limits of your graphics hardware. The fullscreen display is one level of performance demand, and doing that while running Compiz is a second layer of demand. Try the fullscreen display without running Compiz, and see if it works in that situation.


            Re: Flash not working with compiz turned on

            Not using 64 bit, and yes it works when I turn off Compiz. However my graphics card is fairly decent. It's an nvidia geforce 7600 GS. Htop shows that there's plenty of system resources to go around, too. I haven't done any significant changes to the system since it stopped working, the only thing I've done at all that I can think of is changing taskbar and pager applets to their compiz equivalents.


              Re: Flash not working with compiz turned on

              I am having the same issue. I am running Kubuntu 8.04, CCSM 0.7.4, and emerald 0.7.2.

