I am running Kubuntu Hardy on my laptop. I like to specify when I want to start my custom desktop Compiz effects. I do not want Compiz to run on startup. How could I do this if at all?
Also, if I have Compiz running and then I shut down the laptop, will it be possible to start the laptop up and have it boot into Kubuntu without Compiz auto running?
The only way I can think of doing this is by going into K Menu -> System -> Desktop Effects and selecting No Effects before shutting down, and then everytime I boot up and actually want to run my custom effects go back into this menu and enable Custom Effects. Would there be any other way?
Thanks for any help.
I am running Kubuntu Hardy on my laptop. I like to specify when I want to start my custom desktop Compiz effects. I do not want Compiz to run on startup. How could I do this if at all?
Also, if I have Compiz running and then I shut down the laptop, will it be possible to start the laptop up and have it boot into Kubuntu without Compiz auto running?
The only way I can think of doing this is by going into K Menu -> System -> Desktop Effects and selecting No Effects before shutting down, and then everytime I boot up and actually want to run my custom effects go back into this menu and enable Custom Effects. Would there be any other way?
Thanks for any help.