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Disabling Compiz On Startup

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    Disabling Compiz On Startup


    I am running Kubuntu Hardy on my laptop. I like to specify when I want to start my custom desktop Compiz effects. I do not want Compiz to run on startup. How could I do this if at all?

    Also, if I have Compiz running and then I shut down the laptop, will it be possible to start the laptop up and have it boot into Kubuntu without Compiz auto running?

    The only way I can think of doing this is by going into K Menu -> System -> Desktop Effects and selecting No Effects before shutting down, and then everytime I boot up and actually want to run my custom effects go back into this menu and enable Custom Effects. Would there be any other way?

    Thanks for any help.

    Re: Disabling Compiz On Startup

    Try installing the "fusion-icon" package. If it works, it lets you select the window manager, and what you're saying is you'd like to select kwin sometimes and compiz other times, so that should work.


      Re: Disabling Compiz On Startup

      OK thanks.

      I installed it, it lets me change from kwin to compiz with no problems, but if I set it to kwin, then reboot the system. When I log back in it loads up Compiz automatically. I then start the fusion-icon and it says kwin is the session manager when it is actually Compiz that is running. Weird.

      Any ideas?


        Re: Disabling Compiz On Startup

        OK, an update.

        I went into K Menu - System - Desktop Effects and set this to "No Effects".

        If I now use the Fusion icon to switch between kwin and compiz, it works as I want it and when switching to Compiz my effects are still working even though "No Effects" is selected.

        So this works. Thank you for the help.

        One more thing. How can I get the Fusion-Icon to run on startup and display in my system tray? instead of going into K Menu and having to start it manually everytime I start the system?



          Re: Disabling Compiz On Startup

          Originally posted by xdcx

          So this works. Thank you for the help.

          One more thing. How can I get the Fusion-Icon to run on startup and display in my system tray? instead of going into K Menu and having to start it manually everytime I start the system?

          Just copy and paste the fusion icon into your .kde/Autostart folder and it will run at login.


            Re: Disabling Compiz On Startup

            Sorry, dumb question. Where can I find that Autostart folder? Could you give me a path to it please?

            Thanks again.


              Re: Disabling Compiz On Startup

              No problem. You have a home folder that has a path /home/xdcx. If you open Dolphin or Konqueror or Krusader and view it, you will only see the folders and files that you put there. But, if you click "View>Show Hidden" and check the box, then you will see that there are many more folders that begin with a period -- these are the so-called hidden folders and files, that the system puts there while setting things up. So, you will find one named .kde, and if you open it, you will see it has a folder within it named Autostart. That's where you want to paste the fusion-icon icon. The way to do it is to open KMenu>System, and you will see near the top of the list "Compiz Fusion Icon". Right-click it and tell it to "Add Item to Desktop". It will do so. Then right-click the icon on the desktop, and "Cut" and then open the .kde/Autostart folder and "paste" it there.

              There may be a more direct way to get it in there, but this is how I get 'er done.


                Re: Disabling Compiz On Startup (RESOLVED)

                Spot on dude. Thank you very much

