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Machine Dementia

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    Machine Dementia

    My Kubuntu/Hardy laptop can no longer remember system settings. It won't remember DNS network resets, an environmental variable in bash, and login preferences.

    Short of a clean install is there any fix. My only attempted solution was to replace the default Kcontrol utility with systemsetting-kde4.

    Thanks s

    Re: Machine Dementia

    You might try by renaming .kde.
    On restart of KDE the system will create a new version (you will have to redo many of your settings).


      Re: Machine Dementia

      Since renaming (or usually, deleting) .kde or .kde4 is the solution to so many problems, perhaps a sticky should be made highlighting all the data that is stored there... kmail stores email there... i think rss feed posts are kept there as well (not a big deal for most, but perhaps for a few...) anything else come to mind? Konq bookmarks... KWallets... downloaded and installed plasmoids... Amarok album covers... kooka scans...

      And maybe even some trial and error can find the most common config files that can be deleted rather than trashing an entire directory...


        Re: Machine Dementia

        Originally posted by strider1066
        ... can no longer remember system settings ...
        could be permission problems. Run "kcontrol" in konsole and look for error messages.

