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Huge slowdown/memory feast with games and graphically intensive programs.

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    Huge slowdown/memory feast with games and graphically intensive programs.

    Okay, so I've been using Kubuntu for a bit now, and enjoying it immensely (Especially with the improvements of KDE 4.1). However, I'm still running into problems running games and applications, usually graphically intensive ones, though sometimes just simple programs, like Ktorrent and such. I have no idea what's wrong, or where to start, really.

    First, my system specs:
    2.2ghz dual-core processor
    2 gigs of memory
    GeForce 7400 Go card
    A large, large amount of unused hard drive space which, if I remember correctly, 2 gigs of which is devoted to cache.
    Edit: As far as I know, I have nvidia-glx installed, as well as the config utility.

    Now, the problems:
    First, for games. For games, whether run natively in Linux or through Wine, start out "adequately", meaning I usually get 30 or so fps. This is strange, because the games I'm running aren't exactly Oblivion. Instead, I'm playing around with Second Life or so. In Windows, I would get 60-70 fps easily with these games. However, 30fps is acceptable for play, so that's what I go with. However, over the course of 5 or so minutes, the fps ALWAYS crunches down to 6-9 fps. Or lower. It almost seems like a memory leak, except that my computer doesn't go into death throes, and I can abandon the application. After, it takes about 2-3 minutes for my computer to get back up to speed, and act normally.

    Second, varying applications just destroy my memory usage, and I have no idea why. I mean, Ktorrent isn't exactly the pinnacle of graphical achievement, yet when I monitor it via Sysguard, it will randomly eat up 40% or so of my memory. Firefox does the same thing, though that's a little more understandable. During these times, my computer will all but lock up.

    Anyone have any ideas what's going on?

    PS. I'm also have a problem reading some PDFs. They're there, I've read them before, and they take up the same amount of space. But when I open them with okular, or kpdf, or whatever, they just come up blank.

    Re: Huge slowdown/memory feast with games and graphically intensive programs.



      Re: Huge slowdown/memory feast with games and graphically intensive programs.

      I find especially the one with the PDF's weird.

      How are things when you run with the VESA driver instead of Nvidia?
      Do you run Compiz?

      With Nvidia I had problems with my first (manual) set up, when I did a reinstall and used EnvyNG for the configuration the result was a lot better.


        Re: Huge slowdown/memory feast with games and graphically intensive programs.

        No, I use only the current nvidia-glx driver, using the package manager, and I don't use Compiz. The only package related to compiz is the desktop effects, though I don't use those either. I'll try using EnvyNG, and see how that works.


          Re: Huge slowdown/memory feast with games and graphically intensive programs.

          Strange, haven't heard the problem before.

          It just might be possible that the problem could be solved by removing the existing nvidia driver and download and install the nvidia driver that Nvidia itself has compiled.

          HOWEVER, the drivers of Nvidia are propietary and not open source. It is a known problem that the drivers of Nvidia cause conflicts with the kernel, resulting in lockups.
          I say this because 2 years ago, I had a Nvidia driver installed. It worked, but after an update of the kernel things messed up (and I had to reinstall everything).


            Re: Huge slowdown/memory feast with games and graphically intensive programs.

            Originally posted by Ecopirate
            ... ALWAYS crunches down to 6-9 fps. Or lower. It almost seems like a memory leak, except that my computer doesn't go into death throes, and I can abandon the application. After, it takes about 2-3 minutes for my computer to get back up to speed, and act normally.
            What do you mean by 2-3 minutes for pc to get up to speed? Is kde unusably slow directly after closing the game then drastic framerate drop occured? Broken hardware can be ruled out I guess since windows runs perfect. Ever used Kubuntu 7.10 on your pc - if yes then - did you get same problem with framerate drop in games?

