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dolphin creates files with wrong date

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    dolphin creates files with wrong date

    can you confirm this bug?
    If it doesn't happen to you, I would like to find why it happens to me.
    Thank you,

    Re: dolphin creates files with wrong date

    Hehe weird, the same happens on my system, it's 2005 when done from Dolphin.


      Re: dolphin creates files with wrong date

      The clock on the panel shows the correct local time, but files saved in dolphin show UTC. Also email that comes in via Thunderbird also shows UTC time. The solution that I keep hearing about is to change a line in the file at etc/default/rcS, which reads UTC=yes and change it to UTC=no. However, that does absolutely no good, even if I restart my computer. Yet the panel clock shows the correct local time whether or not the rcS file reads UTC=yes or UTC=no.

      Is there any known successful workaround until this bug gets resolved?
      Linux — leaping tall "Bill-dings" in a single bound!
      Linux user #347469


        Re: dolphin creates files with wrong date


        After following up with the latest Adept Manager updates, the timestamp problem seems to be fixed -- mostly. If I create a blank file in dolphin, it has the following properties:

        Modified: 2005-09-10 3:25 am
        Accessed: 2009-08-07 12:00 am

        The "modified" date/time is always the same. The "accessed" date is correct, but time is always 12:00 am. However, if I type just one character inside the file and save it, I get:

        Modified: 2008-08-07 10:03 am
        Accessed: 2008-08-07 10:03 am

        which is the correct local date and time.

        The problem with Thunderbird email that I was receiving emails showing UTC time has been fixed. I just sent myself an email from another account, and the time displayed the local time correctly.
        Linux — leaping tall "Bill-dings" in a single bound!
        Linux user #347469

