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firefox version conflict

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    firefox version conflict

    Ubuntu 8.04

    Installed firefox ver 3.0 using synaptic and uninstalled ver 2 at the same time. Now when I choose Firefox in the applications menu it goes to ver 2.

    How do I get rid of all traces of ver. 2 or change it so it goes to ver 3 each time?

    Re: firefox version conflict

    how can it go to v2 if you uninstalled it?
    in synaptic...
    mark all ff packages for complete removal and apply changes.
    then click Status (lower left corner).
    see if the statuses list above shows an option called Not installed (residual config).
    if it does, then go in there and remove the stuff that's been left over.
    now make sure everything about ff had disappeared in your menus, etc.
    finally reinstall ff3.
    that should do it.
    unless you had installed (or manipulated something about) ff2 manually.
    gnu/linux is not windoze


      Re: firefox version conflict

      I had this problem, and i think i cured it by un-installing everything Firefox related, and then deleting the .mozilla (or .firefox) directory, you may need to do this, but it is probably wise to merely rename the .mozilla (or .firefox) directory just in case...

      The reason i'm not sure what the directories are called is that when i installed Hardy, i followed Fintan's advice and installed Firefox 3 with Ubuntuzilla:

      It may be worth your while to try it.

      I hope this helps.

