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slow kde4.1 with nivdia 8800GT and incompatibility with compiz/emerald

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    slow kde4.1 with nivdia 8800GT and incompatibility with compiz/emerald

    I have just switched on to KDE 4.1 . And quite frankly I am feeling alienated. I am accustomed to smooth rendering and simlicity of Gnome alongwith dazzling effects of emerald and compiz. But although with clean and 3d looks of plasma KDE 4.1 lacks smoothness and effects of gnome.

    My PC is crippled by KDE as minimizing and maximizing looks quite raw and lacks (and I am again using 'THE WORD') SMOTHNESS
    Although there is a mechanism for enablig effects and downloading themes in KDE but I prefer EMERALD AND UBUNTU.

    PLEASE HELP if these are merely glitches and can be done away with.

    Re: slow kde4.1 with nivdia 8800GT and incompatibility with compiz/emerald

    Yeah, there's trouble with KDE 4.1 and the Nvidia driver. Mine was working kinda-sorta on Hardy Heron and KDE 4.1. Monday I installed Intrepid, which comes with KDE 4.1, and I've been fighting the Nvidia driver for 3 days now. Every time I install the driver and use nvidia-xconfig to write a new xorg.conf file, the X server appears to fail to load the driver, and I get mysterious errors about parsing the xorg.conf file, can't find "dri2", etc. etc. Worse yet, it's not reversible -- the original generic xorg.conf won't work even after uninstalling nvidia-glx-whichever and restoring the original xorg.conf file. I'm still working on it -- I'll post a "how to" if I can figure it out and get a repeatable installation process.

    In the meanwhile I offer you these links, for information (I haven't yet tried everything they recommend):

    Hang in there!


      Re: slow kde4.1 with nivdia 8800GT and incompatibility with compiz/emerald

      I've been getting similar issues here as well.... although i'm a noob and still understanding how it works, the main problem with mine (geforce 8400m gs on a dell xps laptop) is that as soon as i aply the restricted drivers or increase the video acceleration my screen spits out colorful thin lines on the entire screen after a reboot.

      read and tried to interpret everything i could but no solutions beyond accepting the basic visual experience without modifications of the out of the box package of kde 4.0 plus 4.1 upgrade.


        Re: slow kde4.1 with nivdia 8800GT and incompatibility with compiz/emerald

        Originally posted by dude1984

        as soon as i aply the restricted drivers or increase the video acceleration my screen spits out colorful thin lines on the entire screen after a reboot.
        Yep, I saw that too.

        I've completed the third re-installation of Intrepid Ibex, which comes with KDE 4.1 only. It works just fine, except I dare not install the Nvidia driver. The "Restricted Driver Manager" shows 3 proprietary drivers available, but checking the box does nothing. I set my desktop for "4" virtual desktops, and intend to leave it alone until I see some evidence that the Nvidia driver will work.

        Firefox and the video stuff actually doesn't look that bad -- no Compiz, of course. But I can live with my screen this way for awhile -- there aren't many browsers for CLI mode ..... :P


          Re: slow kde4.1 with nivdia 8800GT and incompatibility with compiz/emerald

          I can function fine without touching any of the video settings but the whole point of getting linux in the first place was functionality and realy nice translucent and interesting themes..... I guess I'll just have to live with it like that for now untill one of you experienced guys figure out a solution I wish I had the know how of linux programing language but I simply don't..... otherwise I'm usually good at troubleshooting conflicts

