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Importing KDE3 settings in KDE4.1 (Kontact)

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    Importing KDE3 settings in KDE4.1 (Kontact)

    KDE 4.1 looks great (though I have a couple of things I'd love to see working in it - autohiding of the panel for one).

    Can anyone tell me if there is an easy way of importing settings from KDE 3.5.9 Kontact applications to KDE 4.1?

    I have in mind particularly, mail filters (I have lots of them, and would prefer not to have to recreate them all), and korganizer settings (colours and so on).

    Re: Importing KDE3 settings in KDE4.1 (Kontact)

    My suggestion is simply to try to copy all Kontact related data (Kontact, korganizer, kmail etc.) from /home/xxxx/.kde/share/apps and /home/xxx/.kde/share/config to /home/xxxx/.kde4/share/apps and /home/xxx/.kde4/share/config

    At least it worked for me (I do not use filters)


      Re: Importing KDE3 settings in KDE4.1 (Kontact)

      The simplest solutions are often the best.

      It turns out that filters are stored in the .kde/share/config/kmailrc file. Copying and pasting that into .kde4/share/config brought all of my filters over, but did mean I had to re-enter all of the details for my accounts again, for some reason.

      Either way, job done. Thanks.

