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Liquid Weather can't find cached data

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    Liquid Weather can't find cached data

    I'm using Liquid Weather 15.0 and a script to launch it on startup, placed in ~/.kde/Autostart. My internet connection is wireless, controlled by KNetworkManager, which is also loaded on startup. Although my Wi-Fi network is among the trusted ones, it takes a few seconds to connect. For this reason, Liquid Weather is launched before the connection is established, causing the following error message to appear every time my system is started:

    Liquid Weather ++ was unable to download data for some reason. There is no cached data available. Liquid Weather ++ has exited.
    Considering I have no connection at this point, there is no way Liquid Weather could download new data. However, I'd like it to use cached data instead of showing an error message every time. I wonder why that doesn't work, since the files ~/.superkaramba/karamba_hourly.html and ~/.superkaramba/karamba_weather.html exist and seem to have valid contents. I'm not sure that makes a difference, but the weather data is obtained from AccuWeather.

    The console output during the error is the following:

    /home/tiago/SuperKaramba/lwp-15.0.skz/ SyntaxWarning: import * only allowed at module level
    sys.path.insert(0, '/home/tiago/SuperKaramba/lwp-15.0.skz')
    Reading config
    Reading from Config ...
    [20, 12, 10, 12, 10]
    No such application: 'kxdocker'
    Downloading weather in initWidget
    Exception encountered.
    unit: kph
    Observation: ( @N/A, 00:00 N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A )
     ( with 0 forecasts )
     icon      : na
     sky       : N/A
     temperature   : 0�C
     relative_heat  : 0�C
     dewpoint    : 0�C
     visibility   : N/A
     uv       : N/A
     pollution    : 0
     wind      : Calm
     wind_speed   : 0 kph
     reverse_wind_arrows : 0
     wind_icon    : calm.png
     humidity    : 0 %
     pressure    : 0
     pressure_change : N/A
     cloud_cover   : 0 %
    +++++++++++++++++++Today's Forecast++++++++++++++++++++++++
    unit: kph
    Forecast: N/A ( date= )
     icon      : na
     sky       : N/A
     temperature_low : 0�C
     temperature_high: 0�C
     uv       : N/A
     pollution    : 0
     wind_speed   : 0 kph
     wind      : Calm
     humidity    : 0 %
     rain      : N/A %
     pressure    : 0
     pressure_change : N/A
     sunrise     : N/A
     sunset     : N/A
    unit: kph
    Forecast: N/A ( date= )
     icon      : na
     sky       : N/A
     temperature_low : 0�C
     temperature_high: 0�C
     uv       : N/A
     pollution    : 0
     wind_speed   : 0 kph
     wind      : Calm
     humidity    : 0 %
     rain      : N/A %
     pressure    : 0
     pressure_change : N/A
     sunrise     : N/A
     sunset     : N/A
    unit: kph
    Forecast: N/A ( date= )
     icon      : na
     sky       : N/A
     temperature_low : 0�C
     temperature_high: 0�C
     uv       : N/A
     pollution    : 0
     wind_speed   : 0 kph
     wind      : Calm
     humidity    : 0 %
     rain      : N/A %
     pressure    : 0
     pressure_change : N/A
     sunrise     : N/A
     sunset     : N/A
    unit: kph
    Forecast: N/A ( date= )
     icon      : na
     sky       : N/A
     temperature_low : 0�C
     temperature_high: 0�C
     uv       : N/A
     pollution    : 0
     wind_speed   : 0 kph
     wind      : Calm
     humidity    : 0 %
     rain      : N/A %
     pressure    : 0
     pressure_change : N/A
     sunrise     : N/A
     sunset     : N/A
    unit: kph
    Forecast: N/A ( date= )
     icon      : na
     sky       : N/A
     temperature_low : 0�C
     temperature_high: 0�C
     uv       : N/A
     pollution    : 0
     wind_speed   : 0 kph
     wind      : Calm
     humidity    : 0 %
     rain      : N/A %
     pressure    : 0
     pressure_change : N/A
     sunrise     : N/A
     sunset     : N/A
    Fatal Error; Cannot connect to site or load old data
    Call to initWidget failed
    Traceback (most recent call last):
     File "/home/tiago/SuperKaramba/lwp-15.0.skz/", line 3812, in initWidget
     File "/home/tiago/SuperKaramba/lwp-15.0.skz/", line 2765, in writeGuiConfig
    AttributeError: 'NoneType' object has no attribute 'place'
    Thanks for the help,