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Kubuntu can't enter the Internet

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    Kubuntu can't enter the Internet

    Hallo, the evening before Kubuntu just went fine when I closed my machine, the next morning however my computer could not contact to the servers to get my mail. It must be a Kubuntu problem as my Windows computer could get through. Thanks Bill, but what a shame. I know there are some Windows only programs to solve this issue, but how to solve it in Kubuntu?

    Re: Kubuntu can't enter the Internet

    did you test the servers @ the same time of each other? ie: ubuntu vs. windows?
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      Re: Kubuntu can't enter the Internet

      As I have place for only one computer at a time on my desk, its either my Vista computer or my Kubuntu computer that is connected (by wire) to my modem. When I use my Windows computer I can get through to the Internet, but suddenly my Kubuntu computer cannot.
      My modem is an Allied Data Copperjet 1616-2p. In Vista Network Connections obtains an IP-address automatically as well as a DNS server address if needed. How does Kubuntu handle this?


        Re: Kubuntu can't enter the Internet

        If you are using knetworkmanager please check your /etc/network/interfaces - it should only contain the following:

        auto lo
        iface lo inet loopback
        If anything else is in there, delete it and your problems should be sorted after a reboot (or perhaps even a sudo /etc/init.d/networking restart).
        Once your problem is solved please mark the topic of the first post as SOLVED so others know and can benefit from your experience! / FAQ


          Re: Kubuntu can't enter the Internet

          Thanks Toad, that did it. Question solved.

