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Google Earth NVIDIA FX 5200...

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    Re: Google Earth NVIDIA FX 5200...

    Just wanted to let everyone who has gave their time to try and help me that after trying all the suggestion on this forum and at least 2 other forums that I have come to the conclusion that I must have a corrupt system and have decided to do a fresh install. First I thought I would run it from the cd and see how I do. Once I get Kubuntu Hardy in place and working I think I will also put Ubuntu Hardy on also.
    Sounds like another adventure on the way. I love Linux and all the forums. You guys are great!!
    Thanks again and if anyone has any suggestion feel free...
    harecanada<br />Running Kubuntu Hardy Heron<br />Dell Inspiron 531<br />500 gb HD<br />3 gb RAM


      Re: Google Earth NVIDIA FX 5200...

      Well, at least you will have an opportunity to build your skills!

      Here's the general sequence of things to do, which in my experience will maximize your chances of a happy result:

      1. If there's any doubt about the size of your hard drive partitions, use a GParted Live CD to re-partition. Kubuntu needs a minimum of 6GB for the filesystem, and you need a swap partition. If you have loads of memory (2GB - 4GB) then you can make swap 0.5GB, otherwise better make it 1.0GB. Space for data would be in addition to the 6GB, but it can be on other partitions if you wish, and then you can symlink them in to the /home partition. Or you can make the Kubuntu partition bigger.

      2. After the OS is installed, install the Nvidia driver, and make double-damned sure it is running correctly before proceeding into Compiz or Google Earth or any of that stuff. In other words, run glxgears and observe the graphic and frames-per-second rate. I personally have had nothing but trouble from the "Restricted Driver Manager", so I use EnvyNG to install the Nvidia driver -- other folks have other ways. Get your screen resolution set the way you want it for the default desktop.

      3. Once the driver is working correctly and glxgears indicates a healthy fps rate, you are ready to proceed with Compiz, which is in the repo, and Google Earth, which is available once you enable the Medibuntu repository, along with multimedia codecs.

      Good luck -- we'll help if you need it, but I think you're going to nail it yourself, this time.


        Re: Google Earth NVIDIA FX 5200...(SOLVED)

        Hey everybody that helped on this. I finally got help from my Linux mentor and he solved this problem.
        Google Earth would not work with the latest nVidia driver for the GeForce FX 5200 and Hardy.
        He had to use Driver version 100.14.19. This is now solved and things work great. Hope this helps anyone else that needs it.
        harecanada<br />Running Kubuntu Hardy Heron<br />Dell Inspiron 531<br />500 gb HD<br />3 gb RAM

