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[SOLVED] Window color issues (after installing kde4)

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    [SOLVED] Window color issues (after installing kde4)

    Ok, I've been using kubuntu desktop-8.04 with kde3.5 for a few weeks now. The day before yesterday, I decided to try out the kde4 version. So I install it via apt-get and everything goes fine.
    I test my newly installed interface and it seems fine. However, when I go back to kde3.5 I noticed that some of the window settings have changed.

    That horizontal bar on top of the window (forgive me, I don't remember what it's called) allong with all the buttoms in it changed to a boring look (in both color and shape).

    My kde3.5 was configured to use the crystal style with costumized button. And a specific set of colors.

    Now, however, no matter what I do, I can't manage to change that aspect of the window's apearrence at all. I can change everything else, but not that. (e.g.: changing the set of colors, will have it's usual effect on the window colors, except that the the color of the top bar won't change.)

    I hope it didn't get too long....
    Does someone know what I have to do?

    (I went back to kde3.5 because kde4 doesn't run very smoothly on my computer)

    Re: Window color issues (after installing kde4)

    try removing kde4.0 or have u tried a reboot?
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      Re: Window color issues (after installing kde4)

      I thought of simply removing it, but my current login manager is kdm-kde4 (and I don't know how to change it :P), so I feared that removing kde4 might cause me further issues (like problems during login). How do I change my login manager?

      And yes, I've tried rebooting.


        Re: Window color issues (after installing kde4)

        remove kde-kde4 and re-install kdm.
        Wanna know more about Me and My computer then click here


          Re: Window color issues (after installing kde4)

          Ok, sorry for not posting for so long. But I think I found the problem.

          I uninstalled kde4 and it didn't work. So I logged in with gnome, and uninstalled kde entirely, and then installed it again. And that worked, my personal styles were there and everything.

          However, adept notifier soon asked for an upgrade. When it was done, a new kernel had been installed (kernel 2.6.24-19-generic) and next time I boot up it's back to that annoying style. Now I'm stuck with it again, no matter which kernel I choose during boot.

          any ideas?

          (originally, the kernel was 2.6.24-16-generic)


            Re: Window color issues (after installing kde4)

            Just found out about something. the issue is somewhere inside my .kde personal folder. Cause renaming that folder and logging back in solved the problem.

            Any idea of what files I should delete or edit in there to get my settings back to normal without having to rename the entire folder?


              Re: Window color issues (after installing kde4)

              Just one more thing.
              Another problem that came with this new kernel is that my "desktop access" button no longer worked, I click it and nothing happens. And renaming the .kde folder also solved this problem.

              Does that help?


                Re: Window color issues (after installing kde4)

                the problem was with the file compizasWM. Apparently, when I enabled standard desktop effects, it caused a few minor bugs and no actual effects. I deleted the file and everything got back to normal.

