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Terrible OpenGL performance while on Compiz

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    Terrible OpenGL performance while on Compiz


    I own a HP nc8430 laptop with Mobility Radeon x1600 graphics, running Kubuntu 8.04 on KDE4, with Compiz-Fusion running flawlessly. Using drivers from the restricted drivers manager.

    When i try to open any Opengl applications (even my own opengl applications) with compiz activated i get terrible Opengl performance. The window image quickly "flashes" making it impossible to visualize anything. Sometimes it just doesn't display anything properly. I'm also getting terrible glxgears fps, like 500. When i turn compiz off, everything goes ok, my glxgears fps goes up to 3300 and i can run those opengl applications again.

    This way i obviously lose all the desktop effects. I'm afraid it's a driver issue - did a clean install a week ago and that didn't solve the problem. Tried Envy last install and that didn't help.

    I don't have much hopes on shooting this, in general i can switch to kwin when i want to use such applications. Though, would there be a possible reason for this, besides driver issue? Today's update brought a fglrx driver update today but it never seems to get fixed.
    As our circle of knowledge expands, so does the circumference of darkness surrounding it.<br />- Albert Einstein

    Re: Terrible OpenGL performance while on Compiz

    I have the same issue with my intel-based graphics, and my machines with older Nvidia cards. I figured they just weren't up to doing both. Even so, things seem to have gotten better as compiz develops. Back when I tried beryl 0.2 it would pretty much kill X to try to run opengl anything when compiz was running.
    Dell Optiplex 580<br />Kubuntu 10.10 + backports


      Re: Terrible OpenGL performance while on Compiz

      Oh, a compiz issue then.

      Though, does anyone have any info about this happening in 7.10 or other distros? Or even *buntu with Gnome/KDE3.5? I would be interested on changing version/distro if that would allow me to run both opengl and compiz.
      As our circle of knowledge expands, so does the circumference of darkness surrounding it.<br />- Albert Einstein


        Re: Terrible OpenGL performance while on Compiz

        Just checking now, i see that Xorg constantly uses about 30~50% of CPU while Compiz is on.


        And still eats up my whole gpu. Is is supposed to be that heavy?
        As our circle of knowledge expands, so does the circumference of darkness surrounding it.<br />- Albert Einstein


          Re: Terrible OpenGL performance while on Compiz

          Dunno what it's supposed to be, but I have never been able to get good performance from Compiz on my wife's laptop, which is also a radeon mobility. I get decent performance on my laptop which has an old intel gpu.
          I would think it's something with the ATI drivers, but that's a broad generalization based on limited anecdotal evidence rather than any special information I have.
          Dell Optiplex 580<br />Kubuntu 10.10 + backports


            Re: Terrible OpenGL performance while on Compiz

            Same things happening here. Using Kubuntu 8.04 KDE 4 (32bit), Nvidia 6200, AthlonXP 3000

            When Desktop Effects enabled Kwin uses about 50% Cpu, and glxgears are about 600, when disabled cpu workload ok and glxgears about 1000.

            Though I remember when I used Ubuntu 7.04 with Copmiz, my glxgears were 1400 !!!

            I think it's Xorg related issue, not even drivers to blame. Because with every new version of Xorg, video performance going down currently >


              Re: Terrible OpenGL performance while on Compiz

              Yes, GLX/compositing is resource-intensive. You'll always see a big reduction in glxgears speed, when running Compiz, compared to straight kdm/kwin.

