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KDE4 Desktop SlideShow

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    KDE4 Desktop SlideShow

    Allo, Allo:

    I am a longtime Kubuntu user who is having concerns about upgrading to KDE4. The reason is that my scrapbook has thousands of images that I use as wallpaper in 3.5.9. These refresh every minute. My screensaver also uses my scrapbook on a one minute refresh.

    The problem revolves around the new KDE4 no longer using desktop icons. They are bundled into a folder on the desktop. This folder centralises the desktop icons and covers up too much of one area on the screen for my liking. My 3.5.9 desktop icons are spread out over the real estate and do not cause a viewing problem.

    My research suggests that KDE4 can expand a folder to cover the screen so it appears that the icons are on the desktop but no background is available. In theory, this will be developed in KDE4.2 but I do not know what will be developed. This caused me to leave MS Windows because MS kept making it more difficult to customise the program. I am afraid that this will happen to KDE. The more complicated the code becomes, the less flexibility the user has to customise or configure the program.

    For me this is a show stopper if a work around is not found!

    The random minute views of my photos going back eight years is fantastic. With the old 35mm slides, I would view them once a week, then once a month, then once year and then forget about them.

    Can anyone give me any information about the slideshow problem so that I can make a more informed decision?

    Thanks for the help, ladies and gentleman.

    Re: KDE4 Desktop SlideShow

    You should definitely have a look at the video Aaron Seigo just posted about folderview. Aaron is the head of KDE (e.V) and one of the lead devs on plasma (roughly the widgets, desktop & panel in KDE4). There has been a lot of activity about explaining folderview lately on his blog and the video does a very good job. You can either go to his blog:
    Or just skip straight to the video on youtube. I reckon it should allay any worries you may have:
    Basically, the ability to get a traditional style desktop icon setup using folderview will be available. The catch being that in 4.1 the gui won't be ready to change the settings in this way and so it will require some basic text file editing. The other thing is the wallpaper rendering will not be properly set up to work under a full desktop style folderview in 4.1 but this is also set to be resolved by 4.2 (given the 6 month schedule, 4.2 should be out in Jan, although these particular functions may well appear earlier in a 4.1.X).
    Summing up. It looks like all the functionality you (and I) want will be available, just not till 4.2. As far as my opinion goes, KDE4 is set up such that it will be even more powerfully customizable that 3.5. However creating all of those options and adding them to dialog boxes is going to take time. Just think about how many options there are in 3.5, every single one of them has to be recreated within the KDE4 framework, and that takes time. Personally I'll be very surprised/disappointed if slideshow and different wallpapers on each desktop aren't amoung them.


      Re: KDE4 Desktop SlideShow

      Just came across a comment that sums things up well in my opinion:
      We should separate the complaints about KDE4 and KDE4.0 .The complaints have been that KDE4.0 doesn't have all the functionality that KDE3.5.9 has. But that lack of functionality is not the "vision" that was mentioned here. Those absent features are absent because KDE4 is a big effort, and the initial release was more about preparing the groundwork for upcoming versions of KDE4. They are not absent because KDE-devels decided that "the future KDE will have less functionality than 3.5 has". It was due to the fact that implementing all those features would have been too much, considering the manpower, resources and time. But they will make their comeback.
      Note: the "vision" mentioned here is gnome in the age of decadence


        Re: KDE4 Desktop SlideShow

        Thanks for the replies. I appreciate it.

        The blog or video was what I was referring to in my first post. The projected implementation version is 4.2.

        I am not complaining about lack of features. I know initial versions of software are pretty bare bones.

        I said that this was a showstopper so it looks like I will have to wait for next January or earlier or later to do my next upgrade. 3.5.9 is well suited for my needs, I may stay with it until support ends.

        Again thanks a lot, appreciate it.


          Re: KDE4 Desktop SlideShow

          I'll be hanging in 3.5.9 with you. I also need a few more of those customizations that are yet to come. The slideshows are a good example (although one I can manage without if I know it's only for a few months). I place my panel up the left hand side of the screen though and last time I tried that in KDE4 (about a month back now) it couldn't properly resize the clock on the panel to account for it being on the side. So I returned to 3.5.9 where I comfortably await more KDE4 features. I'm thinking sometime in october...

