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Installing Eudora 8

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    Installing Eudora 8

    Hi All

    I am very new to Kubuntu and forums, and am trying to replace XP totally.

    After using Eudora for so many years I have now found Eudora 8 for linux and have downloaded it but have no idea how to install it and the adept installer does not see it.

    Can anyone please help?

    Using Kubuntu 8.04 KDE 3.5.9



    Re: Installing Eudora 8

    It is best, especially for someone new, to try to use packages that are in the repositories. That way they are automatically installed and will receive any necessary updates. Also, any questions you have about using the program are much more likely to elicit useful responses here on the forum. Both Kmail, and Thunderbird are very good email programs and I would suggest you give them a try. I use Thunderbird, and having used Eudora back in my Windows life, I think you will be very comfortable with the switch.


      Re: Installing Eudora 8

      Thanks for the reply - I have tried Thunderbird and a few others but Eudora is the only one I have been able to set up just the way I like it and have gone back to it a number of times over the years.

      Just my quirky nature.


        Re: Installing Eudora 8

        OK, where did you download the file from? What is the name of the file you downloaded? Did the site you downloaded from have any installation instructions?

        And you might want to check this out.

        "Penelope is the open source version of Eudora. This extension adds changes to the Thunderbird UI to provide a familiar UI for Eudora users. Many of the Eudora shortcuts are also supported including functionality not offered in Thunderbird."

        This is an extension for Thunderbird that makes it act like Eudora.


          Re: Installing Eudora 8

          If you mean this: Mozilla wiki: Eudora 8
          Eudora 8 is an email client that combines Mozilla's Thunderbird with code, features, and GUI elements from Qualcomm's Eudora.
          The latest beta release of Eudora, version 8.0.0b3 (which includes the Penelope extension version 0.1a22) is now available for download. Use the links below to download. Please see the README for information on how to submit bug reports and new feature requests.





          1. After downloading the file, open up a terminal window.

          2. In the terminal window type in the following:

          sudo tar -C /usr/local -xvf <place where you downloaded the file>

          3. Then create a link for easy execution by typing:

          sudo ln -s /usr/local/eudora/eudora /usr/local/bin/eudora

          4. After installation is complete, we recommend that you read the
          README.txt file (this file) in /usr/local/eudora.

          5. You will then be able to run Eudora from any command prompt
          by just typing in "eudora" (no quotes).

          Adding Eudora in the KDE menu:
          Highlight an item in the section of K-menu (Internet), right click. A menu will appear, click "Edit menu" option. KDE Menu Editor starts. Now you can add Eudora to the menu.
          Before you edit, BACKUP !

          Why there are dead links ?
          1. Thread: Please explain how to access old kubuntu forum posts
          2. Thread: Lost Information


            Re: Installing Eudora 8

            Rog was faster
            but bascily you can either unpack the tar file where ever you want. rog's solution is best because you will have system wide access without having to do a lot of linking.

            If you unpack into your /home/username for any reason then you will have to make a link in kmenu with kmenuedit and put this line into the command line:
            whereby username and eudora should be replaced by the appropriate addresses
            HP Pavilion dv6 core i7 (Main)
            4 GB Ram
            Kubuntu 18.10


              Re: Installing Eudora 8

              If he installed Thunderbird, and then installed the Penelope extension for Thunderbird, wouldn't that give him the same thing? And a lot easier to do for a beginner?


                Re: Installing Eudora 8

                I wouldn't know and expect as much.
                I am using / testing spicebird at the moment (since Jan.)

                Very sexy and very beta
                HP Pavilion dv6 core i7 (Main)
                4 GB Ram
                Kubuntu 18.10


                  Re: Installing Eudora 8

                  I was trying not to make my first post not too verbose however I have done the following;

                  Downloaded Eudora 8.0.0.b3.en-us.linux-i686.tar.bz2 from the link in

                  Also downloaded the instructions as per Rog post.

                  No success with the first instruction (in Terminal) sudo -c/usr/local -xvf desktop (desktop is where I downloaded the .bz2 file). Error message said something like wrong format or old file check -tar help or -tar useage, which I did but could get no further.

                  The second instruction understandably did not work as the previous instruction did not work.

                  I then right clicked on the downloaded tar file and found "extract" which I executed and now have a whole bunch of files in a Eudora folder. Amongst them is Eudora.bin which seems to be the .exe file.

                  Double clicking on this file seems to start the ball bouncing then after a moment or so it stops - the Eudora label in the lower tray has a revolving hour glass and shortly after it stops too and then nothing more.

                  Thanks for the info on how to add Eudora to the KDE Menu - have done that and browsed to the Eudora.bin file for the command line.

                  Everything seems to be there but it just does not work - so near yet so far.

                  (BTW have been using Firefox for years and that continues)

                  Appreciate all your advice.


                    Re: Installing Eudora 8

                    For a file ending in .bz2, you'll want to do:
                    tar -xvjf
                    The "j" switch means pipe it through bunzip2. Why "j"? I don't know. Probably they used every other letter already, as tar has many switches.

                    Dell Optiplex 580<br />Kubuntu 10.10 + backports


                      Re: Installing Eudora 8

                      I then right clicked on the downloaded tar file and found "extract" which I executed and now have a whole bunch of files in a Eudora folder. Amongst them is Eudora.bin which seems to be the .exe file.

                      Double clicking on this file seems to start the ball bouncing then after a moment or so it stops - the Eudora label in the lower tray has a revolving hour glass and shortly after it stops too and then nothing more.
                      Have a good look at my answer further up:
                      The exec. file is eudora not eudora.bin
                      HP Pavilion dv6 core i7 (Main)
                      4 GB Ram
                      Kubuntu 18.10


                        Re: Installing Eudora 8

                        No success with the first instruction (in Terminal) sudo -c/usr/local -xvf desktop (desktop is where I downloaded the .bz2 file). Error message said something like wrong format or old file check -tar help or -tar useage, which I did but could get no further.

                        If you have Eudora-8.0.0b3.en-US.linux-i686.tar.bz2 in the desktop. Desktop is a folder; path=/home/<USER>/Desktop/. <USER> is your username.

                        => In the konsole:
                        sudo tar -C /usr/local -xvf /home/<USER>/Desktop/Eudora-8.0.0b3.en-US.linux-i686.tar.bz2
                        This will (here it does) unpack Eudora to the /usr/local/eudora

                        ls /usr/local
                        bin etc eudora games include lib man sbin share src
                        => Ok !

                        After this:
                        sudo ln -s /usr/local/eudora/eudora /usr/local/bin/eudora


                        What is symlink > Symbolic link (symlink)

                        Why > Adding a Directory to the Path
                        Linux determines the executable search path with the $PATH environment variable.
                        => Here Kubuntu is searching executables:
                        ~$ echo $PATH
                        => When you type eudora => kubuntu looks in the /usr/local/bin. Notices that there is a link to the /usr/local/eudora/eudora and starts eudora.
                        Before you edit, BACKUP !

                        Why there are dead links ?
                        1. Thread: Please explain how to access old kubuntu forum posts
                        2. Thread: Lost Information


                          Re: Installing Eudora 8

                          Hi All

                          Thanks for the responses:

                          Rog: Thanks for the detailed explanation - it all makes sense but below is what happens

                          peter@peter-dell-laptop:~$ sudo tar -c/usr/local -xvf/home/peter/desktop/Eudora-8.0.0b3.en-US.linux-i686.tar.bz2
                          [sudo] password for peter:
                          tar: invalid option -- /
                          Try `tar --help' or `tar --usage' for more information.

                          I must be doing something wrong here and I have tried many combinations of spaces and no spaces between commands (not in the directory paths).

                          On the other hand I have now edited the command line in the new Eudora entry in the KDE menu to point to Eudora rather than Eudora.bin and it works.

                          I now have Eudora running and just have to enter the settings.

                          I am still happy to learn my mistake(s) in trying to use Konsole.

                          Thanks for all advice received


                            Re: Installing Eudora 8

                            man tar tells:
                            -c, --create
                            create a new archive

                            -C, --directory DIR
                            change to directory DIR

                            => in this case it was the: -C <space> /usr/local...

                            I now have Eudora running and just have to enter the settings.
                            That's What Counts
                            Before you edit, BACKUP !

                            Why there are dead links ?
                            1. Thread: Please explain how to access old kubuntu forum posts
                            2. Thread: Lost Information


                              Re: Installing Eudora 8

                              Hi Rog

                              Thanks - I tried the -C and that bit worked but the instruction failed at /home/peter/desktop/Eudora-8.0.0b3.en-US.linux-i686.tar.bz2.

                              Result: "tar: <above directory> cannot open: no such file or directory.

                              The path is exactly correct and the .bz2 file is 10.3MB.

                              More syntax errors?

