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NetworkManager memory leak?

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    NetworkManager memory leak?

    I'm on a macbook pro, and after about 6 hours after startup, the machine starts to lug down, and eventually just freezes. I figured out after killing KDE and jumping to a virtual terminal that NetworkManager was over 500meg in memory size! I just ran top after noticing sluggish behavior, and again NetworkManager is 567m resident and 2306m virtual! Holy cow!

    Anyone know how to:
    a)restart it
    b) fix the problem
    c) where to report the bug if this is not the correct place


    Re: NetworkManager memory leak?

    You can open the Konsole and enter
    to see what is sucking up your CPU resources.

    On KDE 4.1 Beta, I'm finding a "kdesu" process running one of my cores up to 100% and staying there, for example. So I kill the process.


      Re: NetworkManager memory leak?

      Originally posted by crunchywelch
      I'm on a macbook pro, and after about 6 hours after startup, the machine starts to lug down, and eventually just freezes. I figured out after killing KDE and jumping to a virtual terminal that NetworkManager was over 500meg in memory size! I just ran top after noticing sluggish behavior, and again NetworkManager is 567m resident and 2306m virtual! Holy cow!
      There is a memory leak bug in NetworkManager, and I remember it being already reported on launchpad, but it doesn't hurt to check.

      Anyone know how to:
      a)restart it
      b) fix the problem
      c) where to report the bug if this is not the correct place
      a) One way is to use the following commands:
      sudo killall NetworkManager
      sudo NetworkManager
      b) It's a problem with the program code, don't know of a workaround
      c) Launchpad (check first if it's already reported to avoid duplicate reports)

