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Syncing between Kontact and PDA HTC TyTN II

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    Syncing between Kontact and PDA HTC TyTN II

    Sorry for double posting here and on ubuntuforums, but their was no reply yet over there, so maybe I have more change here.

    Post on ubuntuforum (

    My father and I are trying to achieve a connection/sync between Desktop Kubuntu Hardy & PDA HTC TyTN II (WM). Without positive results unfortunately.
    Could you please help us in the right direction.

    When we did a lsusb the device is recognized.

    We followed the procedures in:

    The mainscreen ¨SynCE KDE PDA Manager¨ presented ´Make sure Sync-Engine is
    running...´ When starting "sync-engine" manually in a terminal that message went away.

    We were able to capture the following information with "msynctool ----sync ": The most important info is (I think): "Unable to connect one of the members".

    Below you will find the beginning of the output followed by the end of same
    The part in between was a lot of the same type of lines.

    Beginning of output:

    DEBUG:SynCE:Connect() called
    DEBUG:SynCE:get_changeinfo() called
    DEBUG:SynCE:slow sync requested for Contacts
    DEBUG:SynCE:slow sync requested for Calendar
    DEBUG:SynCE:slow sync requested for Tasks
    INFO:SynCE:initiating device synchronization
    DEBUG:SynCE:disconnect() called
    Synchronizing group "synce-sync" 
    The previous synchronization was unclean. Slow-syncing
    Member 1 of type synce-opensync-plugin just connected
    Member 2 of type kdepim-sync just connected
    All clients connected or error
    Received an entry 0wCAsaunG1 with data of size 4 from member 2. Changetype 
    Received an entry 1dj3H3acIy with data of size 4 from member 2. Changetype 
    Received an entry 1lie1DpEx4 with data of size 4 from member 2. Changetype 
    Member 1 of type synce-opensync-plugin had an error while getting changes: 
    Error during get_changeinfo() method
    Member 1 of type synce-opensync-plugin just disconnected
    Received an entry 2P8l2wKr4T with data of size 4 from member 2. Changetype 
    Received an entry 4wLa7JqYhj with data of size 4 from member 2. Changetype 
    Received an entry 5tPO3Hp5FU with data of size 4 from member 2. Changetype 
    Received an entry 79QdB0u8sF with data of size 4 from member 2. Changetype 
    Received an entry 7uE38E3foJ with data of size 4 from
    >> deleted part/ many equal looking lines <<

    eceived an entry libkcal-1543078262.968 with data of size 4 from member 2. 
    Changetype ADDED
    Member 2 of type kdepim-sync just sent all changes
    Member 2 of type kdepim-sync just disconnected
    All clients have disconnected
    The sync failed: Unable to read from one of the members
    Error synchronizing: Unable to read from one of the members
    Following info might also be usefull?

    :~$ sync-engine

    SynCE sync-engine starting up
    2008-05-21 22:51:55,792 DEBUG syncengine : running main loop
    2008-05-21 22:51:55,793 DEBUG syncengine : creating SyncEngine object
    2008-05-21 22:51:55,829 INFO engine.syncengine.kernel : __init__: connected 
    ce found
    2008-05-21 22:51:55,829 INFO engine.syncengine.kernel : _CBDeviceConnected: 
    ce connected at 
    path /org/synce/odccm/Device/_68101334_D467_9DD4_F5AC_EBE9A708FA
    Entity: line 109: parser error : Comment not terminated
    <!-- <AutoSyncCommand>xterm -e msynctool
                <!-- <AutoSyncCommand>xterm -e msynctool --sync 
    /AutoSyncCommand> -->
    2008-05-21 22:51:55,844 DEBUG syncengine : installing signal handlers
    2008-05-21 22:54:17,060 INFO engine.syncengine.kernel : _CBDeviceDisconnected: 
    evice disconnected from 
    path /org/synce/odccm/Device/_68101334_D467_9DD4_F5AC_EB
    2008-05-21 22:54:17,081 INFO engine.syncengine.kernel : _CBDeviceDisconnected: 
    gnoring non-live device detach
    2008-05-21 23:13:46,671 INFO engine.syncengine.kernel : _CBDeviceConnected: 
    devi     ce connected at 
    path /org/synce/odccm/Device/_68101334_D467_9DD4_F5AC_EBE9A708FA     44_
    Entity: line 109: parser error : Comment not terminated
    <!-- <AutoSyncCommand>xterm -e msynctool
                <!-- <AutoSyncCommand>xterm -e msynctool --sync 
    wm5sync<     /AutoSyncCommand> -->
    2008-05-21 23:13:46,672 ERROR dbus.connection : Exception in handler for D-Bus 
    s     ignal:
    Traceback (most recent call last):
     File "/var/lib/python-support/python2.5/dbus/", line 214, in 
    mayb     e_handle_message
      self._handler(*args, **kwargs)
     File "/usr/lib/python2.5/site-packages/SyncEngine/", line 186, in 
    _CB     DeviceConnected
     File "/usr/lib/python2.5/site-packages/SyncEngine/", line 344, in 
    Upd     ateConfig
      confdoc = libxml2.parseDoc(cf)
     File "/var/lib/python-support/python2.5/", line 1264, in parseDoc
      if ret is None:raise parserError('xmlParseDoc() failed')
    parserError: xmlParseDoc() failed