SD cards stuck into the internal reader of my HP Pavillion laptop worked fine under Feisty. Not sure about Gutsy (don't use the reader much), but in Hardy, while they mount fine, I can read them perfectly, it seem to be impossible to mount them as writable.
Googling suggests there may this may just be a bug without a current workaround, but if anyone has any tips, that would be great.
I've tried adding a line to fstab to include the "rw" and "user" options, as well as creating a specific directory to mount it which is owned by me. No joy yet.
SD cards stuck into the internal reader of my HP Pavillion laptop worked fine under Feisty. Not sure about Gutsy (don't use the reader much), but in Hardy, while they mount fine, I can read them perfectly, it seem to be impossible to mount them as writable.
Googling suggests there may this may just be a bug without a current workaround, but if anyone has any tips, that would be great.
I've tried adding a line to fstab to include the "rw" and "user" options, as well as creating a specific directory to mount it which is owned by me. No joy yet.