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any news on updated Hardy Heron CD?

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    any news on updated Hardy Heron CD?

    Hi all:

    I'm waiting on an updated CD now that the new release has had some time to get bugs ironed out. I was just wondering if anyone had heard when a new ISO (with all the updates) will be available?

    Thanks all!

    --<br />wishing you well

    Re: any news on updated Hardy Heron CD?

    This is an interesting subject. With 7.10, I noticed that a fresh iso download (toward the end of 6 months) & install resulted in an OS that still required 150 updates through Adept. I wonder, also, how this works.
    (btw, my HH fresh install thru CD has been great, up through the 25 updates I took today that were backlogged.) Would be nice to get new, updated iso's, especially for Live persistent flash drive building.

    An intellectual says a simple thing in a hard way. An artist says a hard thing in a simple way. Charles Bukowski


      Re: any news on updated Hardy Heron CD?

      My uneducated quess: Next official Kubuntu final iso will be the Kubuntu 8.10 Intrepid Ibex.

      Ubuntu releases a new version of its OS every 6 months. After a release, the version of all packages stays constant for the entire 6 months. For example, if Ubuntu ships with 2.0.x, it will remain at 2.0.x for the entire 6-month release cycle, even if a later version gets released during this time. The Ubuntu team may apply important security fixes to 2.0.x, but any new features or non-security bugfixes will not be made available.
      and note that with the Kubuntu 7.04 & Kubuntu 7.10: (security problem but no new images):
      These images are vulnerable to USN-612-1, a very serious flaw in the cryptographic library used to generate encryption keys. It is essential that you apply all security updates after installation before making any use of your system.

      Last modified:

      Kubuntu 6.06.1 LTS:
      kubuntu-6.06.1-desktop-i386.iso Last modified: 06-Aug-2006 04:42

      Kubuntu 7.04:
      kubuntu-7.04-desktop-i386.iso Last modified: 17-Apr-2007 08:55

      Kubuntu 7.10:
      kubuntu-7.10-desktop-i386.iso Last modified: 17-Oct-2007 01:28

      Before you edit, BACKUP !

      Why there are dead links ?
      1. Thread: Please explain how to access old kubuntu forum posts
      2. Thread: Lost Information

