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Firefox Add-ons

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    Firefox Add-ons

    I have installed 8.04 on two computers and on neither one can I get Foxmarks to install. A search of the forum hasn't shown anyone else has this problem. This is Firefox-2 by the way.

    Any successes out there? Firefox suggests that I check the Console error log. Just where or what might that be? Thanks for any help or suggestions.
    Merv Curley<br />Toronto, On.&nbsp; Can

    Re: Firefox Add-ons

    I have foxmarks installed are you sure you have firefox-2 installed?
    Kubuntu 9.04<br /><br /><br />


      Re: Firefox Add-ons

      Originally posted by Kubuntu Computer Geek
      I have foxmarks installed are you sure you have firefox-2 installed?
      Well the 'About Mozilla Firefox' report is
      Kpackage reports that Firefox-3 is not installed.
      I have Mythbuntu 8.04 installed on another computer and there I removed Firefox-3 and installed Firefox-2. I can't install Foxmarks there either. I wonder if you have any other Firefox-2 packages installed. At any rate I am glad it worked for you. Thanks for the report.

      Maybe I will just install the Mozilla version in /opt and see how that is.
      Merv Curley<br />Toronto, On.&nbsp; Can


        Re: Firefox Add-ons

        What error message do you get when you try to install it?
        Kubuntu 9.04<br /><br /><br />


          Re: Firefox Add-ons

          I had gotten errors as well, but then I found something that helped. I uninstalled Firefox, then I went to my home folder and deleted the .mozilla folder. Then I reinstalled Firefox 2. Be sure to save your bookmarks, if you need to.



            Re: Firefox Add-ons

            I did it by doing this

            hope this one helps too
            Ubuntu | Linux Mint<br /><br />Not Your Ordinary Proxy<br />


              Re: Firefox Add-ons

              This is a side-effect of the "brilliant" decision to upgrade everyone to the *beta* version of FF3. When you downgrade to the stable firefox-2, the .mozilla profile is botched, which is why the fixes listed above work. I'd use the latter -- just open a term and "mv .mozilla dot_mozilla". Unfortunately, this will lose all your settings and your bookmarks. For the bookmarks, in that terminal, do
              cp ~/dot_mozilla/firefox/[random string].default/bookmarks.html ~/.mozilla/firefox/[other random string].default/
              Overwrite the existing file if it prompts you.

              As for the other settings, I just recreated my old options by hand...


                Re: Firefox Add-ons

                I sure wish some of the more popular extensions would work. I need Firebug right now!


                  Re: Firefox Add-ons

                  Foxmarks now works in FF3


                    Re: Firefox Add-ons

                    ubuntu 8.04 comes with firefox-3, this is not a stable version yet
                    you shuld remove it and install firefox-2 but now you have a problem installing add-ons. this can be easily fixed:

                    here is a full guide for how to do this correctly:



                      Re: Firefox Add-ons

                      Greasemonkey has also been updated to work with FF3.

