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can't install Kplayer or Avidemux

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    can't install Kplayer or Avidemux

    Adept Manager reports BREAK (install) for both.

    Synaptic reports
    Depends: libqt4-dbus (>=4.4.0~rc1) but it is not installable
    Depends: libqt4-gui (>=4.4.0~rc1) but 4.3.4-0ubuntu3 is to be installed
    Depends: libqt4-network (>=4.4.0~rc1) but it is not installable
    Depends: libqt4-qt3support (>=4.4.0~rc1) but 4.3.4-0ubuntu3 is to be installed
    Depends: libqt4-svg (>=4.4.0~rc1) but it is not installable
    Depends: libqt4-xml (>=4.4.0~rc1) but it is not installable
    Depends: libqtcore4 (>=4.4.0~rc1) but it is not installable
    Depends: libstreamanalyzer0 (>=0.5.8) but 0.5.7-2 is to be installed
    Depends: libstreams0 (>=0.5.8) but 0.5.7-2 is to be installed
    Depends: avidemux-common but it is not going to be installed
    Depends: libasound2 (>1.0.16) but 1.0.15-3ubuntu4 is to be installed
    Anyone help?

    Re: can't install Kplayer or Avidemux

    Do have the first 4 repositories all checked, in Adept Manager? Adept>Manage Repositories and look at the "Kubuntu Software" tab. There should be an "x" in each of the top 4 boxes.

    Then "Fetch Updates" and then try installing your selected packages again.


      Re: can't install Kplayer or Avidemux

      Thanks. I had also added the repository as Kplayer was not in the others. I have now unchecked this one and AVidemux installs OK. But of course there is no option for Kplayer. I suppose I must get that from another repository as the other was not working properly?


        Re: can't install Kplayer or Avidemux

        I have solved it by installing on older version of Kplayer. I think the latest was for KDE4 but I'm with 3.5.9.


          Re: can't install Kplayer or Avidemux

          Good! I knew it was some problem with repos and/or versions. You gotta be careful with mix 'n match versions of the OS.

          My main and most reliable system is Kubuntu Hardy Heron with KDE4, and I stay with the standard Kubuntu repos, except for medibuntu. But, if you are interested in another Debian/KDE OS, as a backup system, perhaps, I can recommend sidux 2008-01. It is a little more "on the edge", but that team does a marvelous job of keeping the sidux users away from the broken parts of Sid. On that one, the only extra repo that I added was Shames Compiz-Fusion, so I could get the compiz stuff for Debian Sid. It is also a very stable system, and KDE3.5.9 works just fine on it.

