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Changing login theme

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    Changing login theme

    I am new here and to be honest i am a bit new to Kubuntu stuff as well to linux at all. However i've managed to learn a bit for last month with this system.
    Ok but what is purpose of this post: I found myself bored with my login wallpaper and style. So i installed kdm theme manager and downloaded new theme. I saved changes and after reboot nothing happend. Seems that all changes made in Login manager in system settings panel are only one used by system. No changes saved in kdm manager are put into action.
    My question is how to deal with this?

    I am sorry if anyone got problems with understanding my english I have rarely used this language for few years. According to that i am using polish version of system some of this names can differ from real ones. I have just translate them, dunno if it is correct with original names.

    Re: Changing login theme

    The theme is supposed to change without rebooting, logging out is enough. I know that Kubuntu Gutsy is screwed up then it comes to changing kdm theme, maybe it's still broken in Hardy?


      Re: Changing login theme

      well my first time with kubu was 7.10 polish remake. There i got kdm theme menager and all changes was applied correctly. Now it is not working maybe because of login manager (or how it is called in original). So maybe if i get rid of this second application?
      Neither add/delete apps panel nor synaptic see login manager so i assume it is part of some bigger package.


        Re: Changing login theme

        OK i menaged to change theme. If anyone needs:

        I moved my theme to
        then i opened:
        and in group
        i added
        and modified:
        "--" means folder with theme.

        However only by manual changing theme destination i can swap between various themes. That means my problem is not solved in 100%.

