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adding programs to k-menu [FIXED]

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    adding programs to k-menu [FIXED]

    I downloaded and installed kubuntu 8.04, then proceeded with installing KDE4. I love it. I wasn't able to get Stepmania to install from source, and if I could, I'm not sure how to add it to the k-menu. Giving up on compiling source code, I downloaded and unpacked the binary file with tar -xvf. I can run stepmania by navigating to the place I unpacked it from, but I want to add it to the k-menu. How?

    Re: adding programs to k-menu

    K-menu is still work in progress so many non KDE4 applicatoins are not included in it...
    The easiest way is alt-f2 and write the name of your program in your case stepmania and click run...
    or use KDE 3.5.9 instead.
    I'm magnet for errors, problems and bugs...


      Re: adding programs to k-menu

      Also, Alt-F2 "kmenuedit" with no quote marks.


        Re: adding programs to k-menu

        Originally posted by Primoz
        K-menu is still work in progress so many non KDE4 applicatoins are not included in it...
        The easiest way is alt-f2 and write the name of your program in your case stepmania and click run...
        or use KDE 3.5.9 instead.
        i'm not sure what you mean, in kde4, all kde4 & kde3 applications show up in my kmenu. (i'm using the traditional menu applet).
        <br />


          Re: adding programs to k-menu

          thanks for your help guys, and here are two more quick questions. 1) What is the point of widgets, what do they do? 2) In the k-menu, I can right click on an icon and select add to desktop. However, after some time, the icons are not on my desktop anymore, can I make them stay?


            Re: adding programs to k-menu

            Originally posted by grade12guy

            1) What is the point of widgets, what do they do?
            My understanding is that widgets are "commonly used applets that many people like on their panel". I just made that up, but that's pretty much what they are.

            2) In the k-menu, I can right click on an icon and select add to desktop. However, after some time, the icons are not on my desktop anymore, can I make them stay?
            I haven't heard this one before. I would need more details to venture a guess -- do they all disappear en masse or does each one disappear individually after a fixed amount of time? What desktop maneuver immediately precedes the disappearance?

            I personally prefer a clean desktop, so except for an analog clock applet there's nothing on mine. I park my frequently-used apps on the panel, and they have been there for 6 weeks (or however long HH Beta has been available with KDE4).


              Re: adding programs to k-menu

              thanks, i'll add my programs to my panel, after I fix an issue that just presented itself. My panel is gone. gone. it doesn't come back after restarting. gone. This happened a couple days ago, and I hadn't done much yet, so i just bit the bullet and reinstalled the operating system. I would prefer not doing that, since it seems like it will probably just happen again. Help me out please?


                Re: adding programs to k-menu


                Try opening Konquerer with Alt-F2 "konqueror" with no quote marks, then click"View" and "x" the hidden folders. Now you should be able to see the hidden .kde folder in your home directory. Highlight it and delete it.

                Then close konqueror, do Alt-F2 "konsole" and enter "sudo shutdown now -r"

                After you give your password and press Enter, your system will restart. When you log back in, you'll get a brand new, clean desktop and a panel (I hope). You'll have to reconfigure everthing -- all previous settings will have been lost.
                But at least you don't need to reinstall.


                  Re: adding programs to k-menu

                  thank you so much, how did you know that would work? I wonder what the issue that made the taskbar go away was...but thanks!

