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Not able to shut down my pc. Kubuntu 8.04

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    Re: Not able to shut down my pc. Kubuntu 8.04

    Hi Everyone!

    I have the same problem! Seems to me its a ATI driver problem. I have the latest kernel and fglrx drivers installed, yet when I do a log out or shutdown/restart I get a black screen. As reported, if you hit Ctrl+Alt+Del the pc reboots fine same as pressing the power button it shuts down the system no problems. Its as if some process is having a problem ending, because the processor fan start going noticeably faster.

    Anyone had any luck fixing this?


    Kernel Version: 2.6.24-19
    fglrx driver version: 8.7 (off ATI's website)


      Re: Not able to shut down my pc. Kubuntu 8.04

      Hi Again!

      Seems I have found us the answer! The problem is the ATI driver configuration files. Problem is explained at the following url:

      The downloadable patch worked for me, can restart and shutdown from the GUI now with no problems.

      Hope this works for you guys!



        Re: Not able to shut down my pc. Kubuntu 8.04

        Had the same problem on my IBM T20. My solution was to modify my /etc/modules file as follows:

        # /etc/modules: kernel modules to load at boot time.
        # This file contains the names of kernel modules that should be loaded
        # at boot time, one per line. Lines beginning with "#" are ignored.
        # This note is carried over from Kubuntu 7.10
        # JHG 2-19-08 Tested /etc/init.d/halt and made changes that are
        # related to "halt: ... " message on shutdown; incomplete power off.
        # This is O.K. Have corrected S90halt and S90reboot to eliminate the "halt: ... "
        # notice. Took out the references to "hddown=", not needed, no RAID.
        # Took out reboot -i and halt -i since kernel takes care of IDE drives.
        apm power_off=1
        The S90halt and S90reboot references are to fix some incorrect error messages being displayed during the shutdown processes due to some funny scripting in those files.

        This problem (halt, no poweroff) showed up, for me, when I loaded Gutsy and found out that ACPI wasn't loading due to the age of my Thinkpad's BIOS (1999), being older than a cutoff date (2000). Calling APM instead in the modules file takes care of the poweroff part.

        I have a bug with Ubuntu for this. The last I heard, Ubuntu is trying to fix it for Intrepid.
        The next brick house on the left
        Intel i7 11th Gen | 16GB | 1TB | KDE Plasma 5.27.11​| Kubuntu 24.04 | 6.8.0-31-generic

