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Not able to shut down my pc. Kubuntu 8.04

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    Not able to shut down my pc. Kubuntu 8.04

    Hello. I installed recently kubuntu 8.04 with KDE3 (that one before KDE4) and when y try to turn off my computer, it logs out but didnt shut down my pc completely, just appears a black screen and i have to turn it off by pressing the power button of the computer. Before, i had Ubuntu installed and it turned it off properly, so i had nothing to care about...I just press the button and wait for it to shut down the system. I tried with debian, and it did the right thing too...why is not possible to do the same thing with kubuntu and how can i solve it? Please, be explicit, because I'm a newbie in all this.
    I tried editing the /boot/grub...lst file as posted, but it didn't worked for me. Maybe I'm doing anything wrong?
    My pc is an Intel Celeron 1.8Ghz, 256 RAM, 40Gb HDD
    01:00.0 VGA compatible controller: S3 Inc. VT8375 [ProSavage8 KM266/KL266].

    If you want to know any other feature, please tell me how to find it, remember I'm a newbie.
    Thanks a lot for reading this post, even more for trying to help me solve my problem.
    P.D.: excuse for my english.

    Hola. Recientemente instalé Kubuntu 8.04 con KDE3 y he conseguido que no se apaga totalmente...en vez de esto, simplemente cierra sesión y aparece una pantalla negra, indicativo de que el sistema se ha cerrado; estoy seguro que el sistema operativo se cierra, pero no apaga la computadora, así que tengo que apagarla a la antigua con el botón de la fuente de poder. Antes, había instalado Debian y Ubuntu 8.04 y ambos me cerraban perfectamente bien la computadora...¿por qué no puedo hacerlo con Kubuntu?¿Qué puedo hacer para solucionar esto?
    Las características de mi computadora están indicadas en la sección en inglés. Si quieren saber alguna otra cosa de mi pc, por favor díganme cómo conseguir esa información pues soy un novato casi absoluto en linux.
    Para solucionar el problema he buscado varios foros, he editado varios archivos, en especial uno llamado boot/grub.lst o algo así y otro llamado /etc/modules pero nada funcionó para mi. Alguna otra idea...estoy haciendo algo mal?Por favor, recuerden que soy un novato en linux.
    Por favor, escriban los procedimientos detalladamente, por ejemplo, en vez de decir "edite el archivo X", por favor díganme "edite el archivo X haciendo esto y esto y esto". Insisto, por favor, recuerden que soy un novato extremo en linux, pero con muchas ansias de aprender y de saber qué es lo que hago cuando hago algo.
    De antemano, muchísimas gracias por haber leído el post, aún más por haberme intentar ayudarme con mi problema.

    Re: Not able to shut down my pc. Kubuntu 8.04

    Desktop or Laptop PC?

    What you are experiencing (rightly or wrongly) is a system shutdown instead of a system shutdown and power off. I experience the same on my laptop. It's done this since Feisty (for me). I don't worry about it. When I see the message "System halted" I know that the system has been properly brought down and I can press the PCs power button.

    Why did the developers opt to program this behavior? Haven't a clue. Have I found the file(s) to tweak to result in an actual system shutdown and PC power off? No.
    Windows no longer obstructs my view.
    Using Kubuntu Linux since March 23, 2007.
    "It is a capital mistake to theorize before one has data." - Sherlock Holmes


      Re: Not able to shut down my pc. Kubuntu 8.04

      If the problem is that it's halting but not powering off (I get that on a very old Pentium 2) you can try this command from the console:

      sudo shutdown -hP now
      That command tells the system to halt (-h) and then to power off (-P).

      This would be useful to know if it's just that the system halts but does not power off, or if something hangs during the shutdown procedure... I for example have a new laptop that shuts down OK, but hangs if I try to restart it, forcing me to a power cycle...

      Hope this helps


        Re: Not able to shut down my pc. Kubuntu 8.04

        I'm experiencing the same problem with my PC as well as occasional reboot problems. I had no problem with feisty fawn.


          Re: Not able to shut down my pc. Kubuntu 8.04

          I'm having the same problem. Who else here is using the fglrx driver? I don't think that I had this issue until that was installed.


            Re: Not able to shut down my pc. Kubuntu 8.04

            You know what shmuck, you might be right. Do you have an ATI card?


              Re: Not able to shut down my pc. Kubuntu 8.04

              Yes. I'll point out though, my computer doesn't seem to hang completely - when I'm on the black screen I can still ctrl-alt-del to reboot.


                Re: Not able to shut down my pc. Kubuntu 8.04

                same problem here, I also use fglrx driver
                the pc doesnt shutdown using the GUI, it locks on a black screen. Using shutdown -h now from a terminal works. It seems to be the same problem of this post actually

                uninstalling the fglrx driver and setting it to vesa removes the problem (gives you crappy graphics though).
                I also had no problems with feisty, it came after upgrading to hardy.


                  Re: Not able to shut down my pc. Kubuntu 8.04

                  Well alright, is there a way to change the command that the shutdown and reset buttons use?

                  I'd rather have a GUI based solution to this problem, if possible.


                    Re: Not able to shut down my pc. Kubuntu 8.04

                    If you click on the kicker and them right click in the window you can choose edit menu. From there you can make a command to shutdown the system and add your own icon.


                      Re: Not able to shut down my pc. Kubuntu 8.04

                      I can't right click on "Log Out..." and "edit menu" takes me to the menu editor, which doesn't let me do anything with the "Actions" part of the K Menu, only with the "All Applications" part.

                      For a little while I thought I had something in the Login Manager under System Settings, but... no. Think that's just for the log in screen and doesn't apply to the log out screen.


                        Re: Not able to shut down my pc. Kubuntu 8.04

                        Brilliant, thanks guys. Just fiddling about with Ubuntu/Kubuntu on an Acer Ferrari 4000 laptop, amd 64, Broadcom wireless and ATI graphics driver so it seems I really have the wrong laptop to be installing any flavour of Linux on. Linux in general just does not like Broadcom and Kubunto really dislikes ATI and blow me if Adobe Flash wont work with Kubuntu 64 bit but does with Ubuntu 64bit..............Crazy!

                        I got the same problems with shutting down, the blasted thing just won't power down and starts winding the fan into a frenzy but when I disable the ATI driver all is fine again and although I haven't tried much browsing or anything yet the graphics seem ok.

                        I'll pretty well stick with Linux in general though, I'm a sweaty and hate the idea of trashing PC's just for the latest Windoze release and I have rescued a 5 year old Toshiba laptop with Mandrake which is still a bit slow but if I have a need for speed I just whack in Puppy Linux.

                        My main reason for sticking with Linux though is forums like these, the community support is fantastic and I'm even beginning to get the idea of a command line and you begin to understand why real enthusiasts really like it although I'm just getting to grips with navigating to folders and using the 'ls' command......found a really useful one recently though 'lsusb'...........I just keep trying it for fun LOL sad git

                        Thanks again.


                          Re: Not able to shut down my pc. Kubuntu 8.04

                          Hi Guys,
                          I don't know wether you still have this problem,
                          anyway i just solved it like this: enabled 'pre-released ' and 'unsupported' updates in adept. So among the updates there were a kernel update ( 2.6.24-16 --> 2.6.24-17) and several xorg-related ones. Did a full upgrade and now pc shuts-down and reboots correctly. 8)
                          hope this helps.


                            Re: Not able to shut down my pc. Kubuntu 8.04

                            I had the same problem too, what solved it for me was uninstalling keytouch.


                              Re: Not able to shut down my pc. Kubuntu 8.04

                              I don't think I have an ati card.

                              I uninstalled keytouch but it didn't work for me.. How did you figure out that it was keytouch in your case anyway? did you randomly uninstall programs until it worked?

                              edit: I don't get it. Removing Keytouch did actually work after all. after uninstalling it still hangs when you logout the first time, but after Ctrl-alt-backspace and logging back in, it logs out ok after that.

