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Problems upgrading from 7.10 to 8.04 :-(

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    Problems upgrading from 7.10 to 8.04 :-(


    I have been enjoying working with Kubuntu 7.10 for a while, on an old dual boot Toshiba Satellite A60.

    After I upgraded to 8.04 I got these problems :

    1- Windows software I installed on CorssOver 6.2, crashed; I reinstalled crossover and was worst; all MS Office suite didn’t work at all.
    2- Firefox 3 was very slow; I downgraded to Firefox 2 and was the same problem.
    3- In general, I perceive that 8.04 is slower than 7.10 in my laptop.

    The CrossOver Office problem is a killer from me, since I must use it for MS Outlook and all documents of my work are under Word/Excel; Open Office is not an option since there is functionality we use of MS Office that is not present in OOffice.

    Should I downgrade to 7.10? I would not like stop using Kubuntu… I like it a lot.


    Re: Problems upgrading from 7.10 to 8.04 :-(

    an upgrade over a fresh install

    My understanding is that everything is put back to ''stock'' then the upgrade happens, then you have to redo your customizations. Not much different than doing a fresh install imo.
    [img width=400 height=138][/img]


      Re: Problems upgrading from 7.10 to 8.04 :-(

      i am not new to linux but i am still learning, i have just done an upgrade from 7.10 to 8.04....i knew there would be a problem...and there is..

      it was at %77 percent and said "installing upgrades, reboot in 3 mins" and that was there for 20 mins, so i rebooted and attempted to start ADEPT again but got an error saying it was already running, but under TOP it was not listed, i tryed to copy the system log but the NIC is not working and my USB flash drive is recognized but not listed ...where should i start guys??

      thnx for any help


        Re: Problems upgrading from 7.10 to 8.04 :-(

        well guys I was able to do a "work around" on mine which is as follows

        #1 reboot system and chose "failsafe" as boot option
        #2 open a konsole window via command line (right click on desk top) or in main menu under "system" "konsole"
        #3 type "sudo dpkg --configure -a" and then in the upper left hand corner of "Konsole" choose "session" and click "new Shell" and type in "sudo killall locale-gen" and you will have to switch back and fourth between the windows and redo "killall locale-gen: a few times as the en_AU.UTF-8 comes up a few more times.



          Re: Problems upgrading from 7.10 to 8.04 :-(

          I have in the last month tried to upgrade to Hardy
          only to have configuration portion fail at this point.
          That is until I found this post.
          I opened Konsole and typed in the command shown
          in the last post. the upgrade continued until at a
          later point when I had to execute the command two
          times more. After the upgrade finished; a flag indicating
          that restricted drivers were available. A window allowing
          activation of the restricted drivers then opened. After the
          drivers were activated; a adept window opened and the
          locales were activated. I couldn't have been happier
          Some stress&nbsp; we are told&nbsp; is beneficial-especially in learning about PC&#39;s<br />Registered Linux User #410272

