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When KDE goes down the toilet Kubuntu will follow

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    When KDE goes down the toilet Kubuntu will follow

    I am saddened by the way that KDE is going. Dolphin is a great example. It's more about eye candy and lack of functionality then it is about having the power to do what you want to do. I have just been on the KDE forum and I'm not alone with this idea. From everything I have seen KDE is going to be a pile of crap suitable only for the mentally challenged to use, yea all I have to do is click. But if you have two working brain cells you will be frustrated in your attempt to get anything done. The useless eye candy will stop you every time.

    I am at the point of dumping Kubuntu right now over dolpin being the default file manager. It sucks big time. If you use storage media under the system menu you will see exactly what I am saying. It's impossible to get the mount points doing what KDE wants you to do. You get the disk size. How useful is that? I have a number of drives in my computer and I am supposed to remember the size to go where I want?? That was stupidity on the part of KDE, it's because of the "system:" setting that is impossible to remove or change. And what about the configurablity of Dolphin? You get three options General, view mode and bookmarks. And these are very sparse in what you can change.

    Fiesty was the last version of Kubuntu that was worth anything and it has been going down hill from there. And it's all because the kubuntu wagon is hitched to the KDE horse. If kubuntu wants to survive it better start driving the KDE horse in a better direction. For myself I am seriously considering dumping Kubuntu right now because of Dolphin. And please don't tell me I can configure it differently. The system is so convoluted that it makes it impossible to get rid of dolphin.

    So if you want kubuntu to survive as a high level player you really need to have more input into KDE. Because KDE is going the way of the MAC. A tool so simple to use any fool can use it so all the fools do. Realize the Mac has very little market share, but they do have big mouths that talk alot.

    Re: When KDE goes down the toilet Kubuntu will follow

    I like the Dolphin File_Manager, esp, in Gutsy, by the way without KDE you wouldn't have Kubuntu. Also you can set some things I believe for Dolphin in Kcontrol. Ctrl +R..

    It's Konqueror that sucks, i'd rather have a seperate app for file browsing and one for web browing.

    By doing what they are doing with konqueror it is not diff. than Internet Explorer in Windows Which is a disaster esp. on older versions of windows ie: XP SP2 + Below.

    Again Dolphin is a great file manager, and better than nautilus that i've used in the past, however nautilus comes in second with me so if I couldn't use Dolphin, i'd use Nautilus.

    However I do agree about integrating things too much where something un-related can't be removed without alot of other useful stuff. As for that, it's Ubuntu/Kubuntu/Xubuntu's ,etc.. Fault.
    Wanna know more about Me and My computer then click here


      Re: When KDE goes down the toilet Kubuntu will follow

      I don't know what the fuss is about. I like dolphin, even though it is far from finished. What I don't like is d3lphin or whatever.

      A lot of people that don't like dolphin just use konqueror or MC as their default FM. There are plenty others to choose from.
      Especially when having more than two functioning brain cells, this is what I would do.

      I don't see the parallel to MAC and certainly not this as a reason why KDE is going down any tube. Quite on the contrary.

      But heh to each their own
      HP Pavilion dv6 core i7 (Main)
      4 GB Ram
      Kubuntu 18.10


        Re: When KDE goes down the toilet Kubuntu will follow

        quit assuming dolphin is done. it isn't. dolphin in kde3 isn't really developed any more. once you switch to kde4 you will see that dolphin is better.
        <br />


          Re: When KDE goes down the toilet Kubuntu will follow

          There are two big holes in the niceness that is KDE4 - Dolphin and that new KMenu.

          Dolphin looks to be better in 4.1 as it has tabs and will work more like... well a File Manager. But right now I find it a real pain.



            Re: When KDE goes down the toilet Kubuntu will follow

            Originally posted by Fintan
            I don't know what the fuss is about. I like dolphin, even though it is far from finished. What I don't like is d3lphin or whatever.

            A lot of people that don't like dolphin just use konqueror or MC as their default FM. There are plenty others to choose from.
            Especially when having more than two functioning brain cells, this is what I would do.

            I don't see the parallel to MAC and certainly not this as a reason why KDE is going down any tube. Quite on the contrary.

            But heh to each their own
            hehe d3lphin is dolphin
            Wanna know more about Me and My computer then click here


              Re: When KDE goes down the toilet Kubuntu will follow

              I despise Dolphin. It's bad software and it is meant to replace what I think is good software in the form of Konqueror. Why is Dolphin terrible? Try this: right click a file in Konq - see what pops up? Now do that in Dolphin. Hover your mouse over a file in each app - notice the difference? Why does Dolphin provide so much less info about my files and folders than Konq does? What is the point of this ridiculous app?

              And Dolphin is the DEFAULT in KDE4. You cannot use Konqueror to browse file/folders with KDE4. You can get as far as the 1st folder, anything else you click on, Dolphin opens. Who decided this was a good idea? Dolphin in KDE4 is not better - it is different, yet still crappy.

              So, you have to go dive in to the config to undo the mess. Unfortunately in my case (AMD64 Hardy), the config dialog never completes, just spins forever. Where is the config in KDE4? I don't know and I can't seem to get to the kde forums (page never loads).


                Re: When KDE goes down the toilet Kubuntu will follow

                Out of curiousity as I have no kde 4, can you just not use a filemanager like krusader?

                Fwiw I despise dolphin too but I never see it, nor do I see konquerer, from the day I started using ubuntu it was krusader for me and I *never* even get to see any dolphin icon, I got rid of those 'places' and all and can do fine without them.
                Greetings from Groningen Netherlands


                  Re: When KDE goes down the toilet Kubuntu will follow

                  jermio, I don't know what your talking about. I changed my KDE4 over to Konqueror because I dislike Dolphin and I haven't seen such a problem.


                    Re: When KDE goes down the toilet Kubuntu will follow

                    Why bother with both the Konqueror and Dolphin (this one is a joke) as file managers; use Krusader (almost perfect).
                    Konqueror as a web browser is OK (although some improvement will be welcome).


                      Re: When KDE goes down the toilet Kubuntu will follow

                      Since I haven't seen Dophin in 8.04 yet, I cant say much
                      - - BUT - -

                      Could this change out be a case of trying to detach the file browser from the web browser. Maybe to help with potential security issues??


                        Re: When KDE goes down the toilet Kubuntu will follow

                        From what I've seen and read, KDE4 is a little weak. However, it's also a brand new critter; it's not just a revised KDE3. Give it time, have patience. As for Dolphin/D3lphin, I think it WILL be fine file browser. I'm still on Gutsy, just waiting for Hardy to settle. or for whatever the letter "I" brings us.

                        KDE is not going to go down the tubes. Things change, if you don't like what you see, then exercise your right to move on.
                        The next brick house on the left
                        Intel i7 11th Gen | 16GB | 1TB | KDE Plasma 5.27.11​| Kubuntu 24.04 | 6.8.0-31-generic


                          Re: When KDE goes down the toilet Kubuntu will follow

                          Originally posted by jglen490

                          KDE is not going to go down the tubes. Things change, if you don't like what you see, then exercise your right to move on.
                          When enough people exercise their right to move on that is going down the tubes.

                          And personally I like having web browser capabilities with my file management. This allows me a lot of freedom when using ftp sites. The fact that you can't use Dolphin to browse the internet and when you try it says Malformed URL tells me someone is asleep at the switch. A URL is an internet address a file manager uses a Path. I hope this mean that at some point Dolphin will have internet browser capabilities but I'm not holding my breath.

                          I am in the process of checking out other window managers. And I think when/if I do change it will be to Slackware and the window manager of my choice. That will eliminate all the other gripes I have with Kubuntu. I'm only one person but if enough people do this then Kubuntu has followed KDE down the tubes.


                            Re: When KDE goes down the toilet Kubuntu will follow

                            Hello people

                            I actually like Dolphin in KDE 3.5.8 and 9 but WTF is wrong with 4.* you cant mount anything as root via GUI and for myself a brain with barely 2 cells struggles with Cli so Im not looking forward to 4.*

                            May have to use Gnome after this next move running 8.04 now but I loved 7.10 no issues 8.04 wireless is horrid

                            You can always change File managers I have used Konqueror in KDE4 so no biggy there just a bummer Dolphin in 4.* has less features and control


                              Re: When KDE goes down the toilet Kubuntu will follow

                              When Dolphin can (1) right click to extract using ark (2) mount samba shares (3) mount & unmount external drives I might consider it but atm it is so thin in functionality it is a poor excuse for a file manager.

                              KDE4 konqueror is not much better.


                              The Ubuntu Counter Project - user number # 7859, registered Linux user 470405 Lenovo T510 Kubuntu Trusty 64bit, Intel Core i5-560M, 8 GB PC3-DDR3 SDRAM - 1067 MHz, NVIDIA NVS 3100m PCI Express, Wireless Centrino N 6300 My website

