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Kubuntu Hangs on Logout or Shutdown.

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    Kubuntu Hangs on Logout or Shutdown.

    I was just reading the topic "Arg - it's the end of the world - Kubuntu won't shut down! SOLVED." when I remembered that I've faced similar problem, but I guess it's worse.
    I have a Dell laptop with Latitude D505 mb. Anyways, after reading the topic, I have shutdown my pc to check if I still have the problem, apparently, it happens randomly, as it has shutdown normally "this time". I then logged into KDE4, when logging out from it to log into KDE3, it froze & gave a black screen with no back light in the LCD screen.
    Magic keys don't work. only solution is the power button.

    Problem also happens with KDE3, I didn't have this problem with 7.10.
    When shutting down, logging off, switching user, it randomly crashes when it feels like it.

    It's worth mentioning that some long time ago, almost a year ago. I had OpenSuse 10.1 running normally. Using Windows I've updated the Dell's BIOS chip to the latest firmware using "Dell's latest BIOS update on the website".
    After running OpenSuse, it won't stat normally, the Xserver will give some stripes at the top side of the screen. OpenSuse 10.2 solved the issue. But since then, each time I close my lid, system crashes.

    The problem persists till the moment, which I've reported in another topic.
    I guess the whole thing has something to do with the BIOS upgrade, Maybe even the chipset or Intel's VGA driver. (Something is not compatible with the other).

    I wish I never updated the BIOS, mostly I won't be writing this topic at this moment.

    EDIT: Just for info, I've read the topic I've mentioned above, the problem is not that Kubuntu will shutdown the system properly but won't turn off the machine.
    No, it will only stop the Xserver "kills GUI", but won't continue the shutdown "in the case of shutdown". As for logging of a session, it won't show you anything but the black screen after loggin of the previous session.

    Re: Kubuntu Hangs on Logout or Shutdown.

    I have a similar problem, but didn't change anything but the Kubuntu version.

    After updating from Gutsy Gibbon to Hardy Heron KDE3.5 the poweroff from the K-menu shutdown button didn't work anymore.
    KDE does shutdown but stops with a black screen but leaves the power on. The same occurs when I try a reboot from the K-menu - it doesn't reboot but stays in a black screen.

    I tried adding acpi=force in the menu.lst but this didn't work.
    The strange thing is that when I type 'sudo poweroff' in a konsole window the pc does shutdown and power off. The same applies to 'sudo reboot' from a konsole window - that does it's job.
    The protection of /sbin/poweroff --> /sbin/reboot is rwx-r x-r x ; this should be OK.
    I can't find the fault.

    Another pc (my wife's), which was not updated but installed from scratch, does work all right.
    When I boot the ISO desktop Hardy Heron CD she used to install it, shutdown works perfect from the K-menu Shutdown button on my PC.

    Hope someone can help.


      Re: Kubuntu Hangs on Logout or Shutdown.

      My PC also has the same problem. I updated from Gutsy to Hardy and now if I try to shut down it hangs at a black screen and I have to kill it with the power button.

      Again, would love if someone could help!


        Re: Kubuntu Hangs on Logout or Shutdown.

        I had a similar problem with my laptop (IBM T20) under Gutsy. I solved it by adding
        apm power_off=1
        to the /etc/modules file. This problem (on my machine, under Gutsy anyway) was caused by a problem with the age of the system's BIOS. At any rate it was related to a BIOS problem, even though I do have the latest BIOS update for this machine. Give it a try and see what happens.
        The next brick house on the left
        Intel i7 11th Gen | 16GB | 1TB | KDE Plasma 5.27.11​| Kubuntu 24.04 | 6.8.0-31-generic


          Re: Kubuntu Hangs on Logout or Shutdown.

          I've developed the same problem on my Dell Latitude D531, since going to Hardy. I upgraded my BIOS to Dells latest and greatest; no help. I also tried jglen490's suggestion with /etc/modules, but it still hangs on power down or logoff.


            Re: Kubuntu Hangs on Logout or Shutdown.

            Are you all using ATI video cards?


            sudo /usr/sbin/update-rc.d -f atieventsd remove
            Until I found that I had to ssh into the box and use 'sudo shutdown -h now' to do it.

            If you can ssh into your box and find out if it an actual system crash or just the video drivers playing up.


              Re: Kubuntu Hangs on Logout or Shutdown.

              Stealth, I am running an ATI card. What does that code do? Sorry for my inexperience.

              BTW if it helps, sudo poweroff does work fine in my case as well.


                Re: Kubuntu Hangs on Logout or Shutdown.

                When X shuts down, this is called and it seems to go into an endless loop so getting rid of this stops it happening. There is a more elegant solution which I forget, you can google it or someone will post, but this works.


                  Re: Kubuntu Hangs on Logout or Shutdown.

                  As for me, I'm using the built in Intel VGA for Dell D505 mb.

                  At last, after so much waiting & searching, I was able to downgrade my BIOS from A11 to A09, as some people say that for Dell D505 it's the best BIOS firmware if your planning to run Debian.


                  Although, initially when I had OpenSuse running, it never hanged when I close my lid, but now using Kubuntu (Using the old BIOS firmware that worked with SUSE), my system still crashes when I close the lid & even sometimes when I log off.

                  I was able to close the lid once or twice when I ran the Live image of 8.04 (With A09 BIOS revision) & it worked just fine (no crash), but then crashed all other times I've tried, even when I reboot.

                  This is so confusing & frustrating.
                  Am not sure if I should re install the OS or not to re detect the hardware settings again.

                  I've tried
                  dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg
                  But it never reaches the part when it re detects the VGA. ( I don't think it's possible in 8.04)

                  Am not sure if that would help in the 1st place but just said why not give it a try.

