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How do I change storage media in system menu?

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    How do I change storage media in system menu?

    Hello all
    I have had this problem from gutsy and hoped it would be fixed in HH but it seems to be a KDE "feature."

    If I click on the applet icon in the panel for "System Menu", the icon that looks like a computer with monitor, and then go to "Storage Media" I get a list of disks that are attached to my system. BUT the mount points are not listed the size of the disk is, what stupid fool that that was more important then the mount point, to get a mount point I have to do a mouse over of the disk icon to find the one I want. This is a "feature" of Dolphin. I would like to dump Dolphin and use what Fiesty Fawn used. I suspect it was Konqueror but I don't remember for sure. But the thing I do know for sure is Dolphin sucks. How do I get rid of it in the System Menu??


    Re: How do I change storage media in system menu?

    you simply need to change the handler for the "folder" file type, i think.

    system menu -> home
    point your mouse on a folder
    right click on it
    click on "properties"
    then on the "edit file type" wrench (?) icon
    move konqueror to the top of the list

    that should be it.

    gnu/linux is not windoze


      Re: How do I change storage media in system menu?

      This is different for me. When I goto system menu ->home I do get Dolphin but when I right click on a file I don't get what you said but rather I get a tabbed box with General, Permission, Meta-info and Preview.

      But I did find out something while I was fumbling about. When I click system menu -> storage media the "URL", or you could say path but it doesn't look like a path, says system:/media. If I remove the system: it does what I want.

      I tried to configure dolphin to see if I can change this behaviour but the configure menu is rather sparse. I did find a place that has system:/media under bookmarks but changing that has no effect when I start it up.


        Re: How do I change storage media in system menu?

        Ironically, you actually change the behavior of what program opens folders and such by default from within <b>Konqueror</b>, best as I recall (I don't have KDE4 on either my main PC or laptop right now because of space considerations and the fact that, umm, I broke it on both ). I remember this from back with the whole D3lphin debacle (or at least, <i>I</i> consider it a debacle, because I hate D3lphin and Dolphin, although the latter not as much as the former). Just open Konqueror-KDE4, you should be able to find File Associations somewhere, then look in the "inode" section and switch any that are Dolphin to Konqueror.

        Or wait, are you still talking about KDE3? Then yeah, it's easy. Open a Konqueror window, go Settings -> Configure -> File Associations, expand "inode" and edit away.

        Also if you run kcontrol, it's under KDE Components -> File Associations.

        Literally the first things I did when D3lphin entered Kubuntu was look up how to change that all Please do comment back if nothing here works for you, I'm rather obsessed with making sure no one has to use D3lphin or Dolphin if they don't want to!

        As per the system:/ thing, I believe that's because system:/ is a kio-slave. It's annoying that it's so prevalent, but it does have its uses. Unfortunately yeah, it's very hard to avoid it in D3lphin (or even Dolphin, although it's easier to use true paths in Dolphin . . . I actually used Dolphin in KDE4 from time to time, while the thought of using the KDE3 version makes me shudder). Hopefully though the changeover from Dolphin to Konqueror in the File Associations will make this all a moot point for you though.

